Just Some Dude
I'm a 57-year-old guy who has been struggling with porn addiction for most of my adult life. I'm also a therapist, and I've had hundreds of clients with all kind of substance and behavioral additions. None of them know about my own battle. I've tried and failed to maintain sobriety so many times that I feel like an imposter at times.
I discovered Reboot Nation a few years ago, and have recommended it to dozens of clients. About a year ago, I managed to go seven months without using porn - at least, without looking at it on my computer or phone. I was still using it, though, in the form of pornographic fantasy when I masturbated. I have concluded that this doesn't work for me. I believe I can't really reboot if I'm keeping those pathways in use.
I see my own therapist, but I've been mostly trying to fight this battle on my own. As a therapist, I have to be careful what I disclose about myself. I haven't even told my wife. I think she would be supportive, but I also think the temptation for her to tell her friends about my situation would prove to be too great. Or maybe I'm just too ashamed.
I told my therapist about my last relapse, and she said I needed to access support if this was going to be successful. I feel like I've conquered a lot of issues in my life, but this seems to be the toughest hurdle, and I don't think I can be truly free until I am rid of this affliction. So here I am. I've read some of the forums here, and they never fail to give me hope and inspiration.
With love,
Just Some Dude
I discovered Reboot Nation a few years ago, and have recommended it to dozens of clients. About a year ago, I managed to go seven months without using porn - at least, without looking at it on my computer or phone. I was still using it, though, in the form of pornographic fantasy when I masturbated. I have concluded that this doesn't work for me. I believe I can't really reboot if I'm keeping those pathways in use.
I see my own therapist, but I've been mostly trying to fight this battle on my own. As a therapist, I have to be careful what I disclose about myself. I haven't even told my wife. I think she would be supportive, but I also think the temptation for her to tell her friends about my situation would prove to be too great. Or maybe I'm just too ashamed.
I told my therapist about my last relapse, and she said I needed to access support if this was going to be successful. I feel like I've conquered a lot of issues in my life, but this seems to be the toughest hurdle, and I don't think I can be truly free until I am rid of this affliction. So here I am. I've read some of the forums here, and they never fail to give me hope and inspiration.
With love,
Just Some Dude