16 years of porn addiction and now I'm starting over

Mạnh phạm

New Member
Hello I come from Vietnam.I'm not good at English and I write these confessions while using google translate
My porn addiction has been going on for 16 years, when i was a 5 year old kid i always looked at girls and lusted, then when i was of school age i learned to masturbate
16 years have passed and this year I am 31 years old I am still struggling to find a way out of porn and masturbation,i haven't succeeded my longest streak of no masturbation is 477 days however i failed a few days ago.actually i'm very discouraged and sometimes i want to give up but i'm still alive so i will fight to my last breath
Winning yourself is always the most resounding victor.maybe i need some advice from you guys i will leave my facebook address and hope you can reply many thanks