Short Educational Post: Why goals are so damn important!

Why goals are so damn important!

There is a multitude of drives within your psyche.
Think of them as little persons living inside of you.
They are called subpersonalities.

They all want something.
Oftentimes they want completely different things.
They get in conflicts of interest with one another.

This inner conflict uses up mental ressources.
Yet, You - as whole - need these ressources in order to act upon the world.
Think of it in terms of motivation, energy, or willpower.

The lack of these ressources inhibits you.
What this means is:
Basically, you are standing in your own way.

Now, what happens when you set a goal for yourself?
These subpersonalities reorient their interest in direction of the goal.
A multitude of interests suddenly merge into one common interest.

Instead of squabling, they start working in unison
This frees up ressources previously wasted on conflict.
As a result you become more effective in the world.

This process is called integration.
So, how to become more integrated?
Here is an equation:

The more challenging your goal is, the more engaged are your suppersonalities.
The more engaged they are, the more overlap there is between their interests.
The more overlap there is, the more integrated you are as person.