

Active Member
Day 2

I do so well during the week, till I meet up with people, I get a trigger to drink. Then it all comes tumbling down.
Had hectic withdrawal symptoms from alcohol yesterday.

I have decided to stop responding to people's messages, or calls.
I need this for me.

I had visions of porn when I woke up which was distressing, tried meditating and it worked.

I'm not giving up, this can't be life.



Active Member
Day 3

Meditating whilst I try to look for a higher power like the AA book suggested.
Found myself on the couch relaxing and the thought of PMO came, and I closed my eyes and did the breathing exercises.



Active Member
Day 4

I'm addicted to junk food, alcohol, PMO, and weed when it's available.
Had a chat with a friend and she mentioned that it actually might not be an addiction but a lack of boundaries.

However, My focus now is to just meditate when the urges come like I have been doing.

So far so good but I know that the last time I reached two weeks, my balls felt like they were going to explode, and that's what broke the camel's back.

So if I want to succeed, I need to find a way or how to overcome the urge and finally cross that bridge.



Blondie suggested a technique where you tighten your urogenital muscles and draw (inhale) the energy up through your body and out the top of your head, or something like that. Do it until you you feel the energy move and spread throughout your body.


Active Member
Day 0

Woke up and felt lazy, went onto Instagram and a ton of thirst traps led me to fall.

I love how even after falling, I'm willing to admit it on this platform, otherwise, I'd feel guilty and say to myself, might as well carry on.

However, I need to be better, and I will.



Active Member
It’s a way for you to gauge how serious you are about wanting to recover.😁
I've been thinking about what you said over the weekend. I told myself that I'd remain on social media for the weekend and say my goodbyes on a later date.

I'd have to find a replacement before I delete the socials or the torment will be too much for me.


Active Member
Day 0

The weekend was a mess, I was so focused on avoiding going out and drinking. I was too weak to resist the temptation.
I'm happy for the fact that I did not smoke or drink this weekend, so I'll count that as a win.

I signed up for a course so that I can complete my Masters, and that's starting on Wednesday.

It feels good not to be hungover on a Monday for once though.


Active Member
Day 0

Deleted Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
The urge to PMO was super massive and I gave in.

So I looked around the internet after post-nut clarity and found a free online course from Harvard on Happiness.

So far so good, at least my mind can focus on something, I'm also starting school on the 15th to complete my Masters.

Not so bad after all.



Active Member
Day 0

Who would have thought that deleting social media would give me so much free time on my hands?

I blasted through the happiness course and it gave me all sorts of good vibrations, which I still feel.
the course gave me tools that ensured that I would be able to make myself happy at any given moment.

I would usually feel so ashamed for PMO'ing and disappear from the forum till I would gather enough courage and post again, weeks later.
Not anymore, I will post my wins and my losses, daily if I can.

Oh and I worked out this morning for the first time this year, I feel pumped!

I funded my trading account yesterday, so today the focus will be on finding awesome investments, I will also work on the happiness course because it's doing wonders for my well-being.

I'm really grateful for this community, thank you for reading my post.



Active Member
Day 1

I feel exhausted, I Slept well enough but I woke up tired, I think It's cause I worked out yesterday morning. Happy to say that I dragged myself out of bed again, and worked out this morning.
I feel tired, so tired that PMO wasn't even on my mind, I guess that's a good thing, all I can think about now is rest!



Active Member
Day 2

I'm not sure if it's the Chamomile tea or if it's the working out, but this week I have been passing out like nobody's business.
I usually struggle to sleep, which often leads to PMO.

I think that not having Instagram and Twitter is also a contributing factor.

Anyway, woke up and worked out for the third time in a row.

I checked out my investment, and I'm 10% up (woohoo).

So yeah, My morning was great, didn't even have time to think about PMO.

It's also my last day at work, my summer holidays are starting early (I love teaching at a public school).
However, This means that I'll have plenty of time on my hands, hmmm... I'll have to think of something, maybe going to a Library:unsure:



Active Member
Day 5

All is well, think I might pull the trigger on going into a relationship with this one girl who always liked me but had a problem with my drinking problem.



Active Member
I'm not familiar with the chaser effect, I'll read up on it, the girl asked me to pull up today. hopefully, I don't get hit with the chaser effect.
and with regards to the drinking, I've identified two friends that are triggers for me to drink excessively.
went out yesterday with different people and I was able to control my drinking, only had three beers.
Are you familiar with the "chaser effect?" It's good to be prepared for it because otherwise you may find yourself drinking again when you become sexually active again. https://nofap.com/faq/chaser-effect/