One day is a time.


Active Member
15 days no O

Some guys said that spontaneous leak once in a fortnight is decent. Although I expect to stretch it more.

Good sleep today at last. Fantasies are still coming however.
Feel moody and weak at times. Likely that is the consequence of spoiling my poor brain again and again for years. So, supposedly, I will not put it in norm at once. And 90 days here is the very low limit rather than guaranteed.

One day is a Time


Active Member
The last day was not easy. I was unfocused and bored, unable to work and study. Bad sleep two nights in a row. Today seems better so far.

Yesterday's wet dream was about a kiss with a young girl I was in love with some time ago. And I wonder how hot just a kiss could be! Surprisingly, it turned out to be enough to O.

So my brain flooded with dopamine and routine activities seemed so uninteresting. But that’s transitory and I must stay persistent and not indulge.

My goal now is to keep clean for 3 days.

24 hours without O

One day is a Time


Active Member
One full day without O. Sleep is still not good.

Recently viewed dr.Trish Leigh about semen retention. As far as I got it this process is not investigated excessively and the benefit of long retention is ambiguous. Specifically, if it leads to prolonged edging the negative effect on the brain may be more than a wet dream.

So it’s essential not to fantasize for long.
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Wet dream tonight.

Sleep was unstable again, so I skipped the yoga session as a result . A little bit puzzled.

Possibly, the cause is that the day before I brainstormed the problem and still didn’t succeed. I really put quite an effort and had and still have some emotional concern with it. On the other hand the problem is about the course where we have a schedule and I’m short of time. So all that possibly adds up to stress, although I wasn't aware of it as the stress. And PMO is my habitual reaction to stress. This time it was down to only O.
But that is, again, only a hypothesis.

One day is a Time


Active Member
I find that the thinking about it is nearly as much of a problem as the temptation: I feel the (legitimate) need and turn to porn if I can't get actual sex (and sometimes even if I can). Then even once the need itself subsides, it's still on my mind and that pushes me to look for more. Then I have to break the habit.

The good news is that you're working on it. You're still fighting and haven't surrendered. One day at a time!


Active Member
@Percival Great note!

Haven’t slept part of last night, yet that was still better than the night before. Also the knowing that that was an inevitable consequence of O makes sensation less heavier.

Had a hard time focusing on the job and studying both yesterday and today (expectable also).

Should be especially vigilant in the near days.

~30 hours without O
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2 days no O

Low energy and didn’t sleep part of the night again. Resuming vitamin intake might help.

Things on the job and on the studies don’t go well also. Likely the job should be the priority, although I put quite an effort in both, and others manage to combine it seems.

Still running and going to the yoga sessions (skip sometimes since it’s early).

One day is a Time