Again, wet dream tonight. Becoming a little bit puzzled. I don't think that sexual thoughts, although still present, are as intensive as before. Likely, I should seek some more information on the matter.
Nocturnal penile tumescence typically happens 3 to 5 times at night when you're asleep, so you won't know about it.
During this time when the penis is erect, certain conditions might lead to a conducive stimulating environment for ejaculation.
This includes
1. Drinking excessive water before bedtime (urgency)
2. Alcohol before bedtime (urgency)
3. Excessively tired or stressed (deep sleep)
4. Overly tight or loose underwear, or in the nude with cover. (Stimulation)
4. too cold temperature (stimulation)
5. Pillows or bolsters between leg (stimulation)
Basically internal and external factors:
1. Internal means body factors that makes sleep time erections more pronounced
2. External means environmental conditions than cause further stimulation to the penis.
You have to identify the precursors to your emissions.
Easiest at the moment is not to drink water after 7pm, also no alcohol or beer, and try to empty your bladder fully before bed. Try changing clothing, posture or bedsheet.
Try to get more rest at regular hours.
Keep a journal of your pre bedtime routine and condition so you'd know.
Also helpful is to video yourself when you sleep. Then you'd understand your
sleep cycle and movements and what might cause your emissions.