I like this. Well done on your streak. What will you do differently next time to stop history repeating? I've read a bit of your thread; what things are you doing for recovery, other than being on the forum and vowing not to watch porn? Have a great day, mate.
Thank you for your wisdom, jay-man!
Such considerations are essential for a successful recovery, and such I take care to note the habits and vices in which may have contributed to my relapses (such as neglecting my journal as I have mentioned before).
The most important thing that I have realised so far is that the rebooting process is best done in conjunction with improving other parts of one's life, say physical fitness or productivity.
Honing one's capability in all areas allows for each aspect to prop another up; mutually supporting each other.
Therefore was a definite mistake that I have also often neglected other parts of my person in previous Reboot attempts with moments of compromise such in situations: 'O Samurai, you have done well in your Reboot so far. Perhaps you could neglect your work today as you are trying so hard already!'. And so the samurai falls down a endless spiral that ends up with everything collapsing.
Doing Reboot alone ultimately will not truly advance a person, I think.
Thus now understanding, I strive to further my whole self!