A fresh start for a mountain goat ⛰️


Active Member
25 ME | 1 PORN
Current Streak: 2

Morning folks.

Thanks @BrassBalls707, you are absolutely right. Finding ways to be OK with being on my own is absolutely key here, and I'm doing my best to work on it. I love spending time on my own. The only tough part is when I'm on my own and it wasn't planned. I think the surprise of finding myself alone that evening triggered the relapse, I felt weirdly 'free' (while normally housemates are around or can arrive at any moment). So excitement came from that (which I'm still feeling now, now that I think about it!) And you're right, making sure these "alternative to porn" options are there and available in your mind when you need them is crucial...

So... What else might I do when I want porn?
  • Run
  • Yoga
  • Read a book
  • Read the newspaper
  • Meet a friend
  • Call a friend
  • Call family
  • Eat a snack
  • Boulder
  • Get a coffee
  • Find a new recipe and cook

Nice weekend. Trying to stay chill in the next few hours, reading a book, relax... Then I might go for a bike ride. Tonight a birthday party. And tomorrow, a big trail running day out in the mountains!


Active Member
27 ME | 1 PORN
Current Streak: 4

Doing good. The weekend was very fulfilling, despite some tense moments on Saturday. Will focus on all the positives first!

Yesterday I did a great trail running day out, it was incredible. I was close to my limits. I love pushing them (slowly and respecting my body's capacities!) - Saw some friends on Saturday evening, while staying alcohol-free, which I'm happy about. Feeling better in my body thanks to this.

In the coming days...
  • Work objective to complete
  • Preparing for my house move next week, start packing/sorting my stuff
  • Keep with the trail run and workout objectives
  • Spend some quality time with a few friends!