Active Member
25 ME | 1 PORN
Current Streak: 2
Morning folks.
Thanks @BrassBalls707, you are absolutely right. Finding ways to be OK with being on my own is absolutely key here, and I'm doing my best to work on it. I love spending time on my own. The only tough part is when I'm on my own and it wasn't planned. I think the surprise of finding myself alone that evening triggered the relapse, I felt weirdly 'free' (while normally housemates are around or can arrive at any moment). So excitement came from that (which I'm still feeling now, now that I think about it!) And you're right, making sure these "alternative to porn" options are there and available in your mind when you need them is crucial...
Nice weekend. Trying to stay chill in the next few hours, reading a book, relax... Then I might go for a bike ride. Tonight a birthday party. And tomorrow, a big trail running day out in the mountains!
Current Streak: 2
Morning folks.
Thanks @BrassBalls707, you are absolutely right. Finding ways to be OK with being on my own is absolutely key here, and I'm doing my best to work on it. I love spending time on my own. The only tough part is when I'm on my own and it wasn't planned. I think the surprise of finding myself alone that evening triggered the relapse, I felt weirdly 'free' (while normally housemates are around or can arrive at any moment). So excitement came from that (which I'm still feeling now, now that I think about it!) And you're right, making sure these "alternative to porn" options are there and available in your mind when you need them is crucial...
So... What else might I do when I want porn?
- Run
- Yoga
- Read a book
- Read the newspaper
- Meet a friend
- Call a friend
- Call family
- Eat a snack
- Boulder
- Get a coffee
- Find a new recipe and cook
Nice weekend. Trying to stay chill in the next few hours, reading a book, relax... Then I might go for a bike ride. Tonight a birthday party. And tomorrow, a big trail running day out in the mountains!