Day 39
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Hello everyone! I've been busy but very good overall. I should have given myself a little more time for writing here.
Many little things to report about my reboot.
@TypeN, THANK YOU for your simple and yet very powerful question "Why don't you try to have real sex instead of using book erotica?" - at first I was a bit like "ehmmm- well it's not something you can easily make happen, especially here in a smaller town". But then, it got me to think about how the fear of ED keeps me away from even initiating situations that could lead to sex. So, I decided to start facing this fear. I went on Tinder, and matched with a nice girl. We met in real life for a drink and then at a music festival this weekend and it was super nice. No sex yet, I think I need some time to feel comfortable with someone. Plus, I like her and would like to see where this might go. So, again, THANK YOU!
Other things...
- Following the conversation about reintroducing MO in my life after 30 days, I tried M without even O, and that was a really nice experience! Focused on sensations etc. Didn't want to O just to keep that energy in me. Super nice, satisfying, and a self-centering activity
- I had a wet dream the night after - I realised it was (a) because it had been 2 weeks+ since the last O, and (b) because I M'ed the day before. Made me realise, if I do this again, I might as well O and enjoy it rather than having a wet dream.
Thus got me to think about a framework for MO... That would be OK:
- Occasionally - i.e. not more than once every 10 days
- If no real sex at the moment...
- If it's not to answer a triggering situation (e.g. bored, sad, frustrated - there are other things to help me address these things!)
Very excited for what's ahead with that lady. And other things: traveling for 6 weeks to North America in March, more skiing here until then, lots of friends visiting me... My life ahead is PACKED! Grateful for that.