Once again I fall back to virtual intimacy


I'm 26 years of age and it's been 16 years since I started masturbation. Now I know it's a menace and I started my reboot journey here few months ago but i relapsed .Now I'm exhausted mentally and physically and I wanted to come to real world asap. Help help help me. Please!
Now I have many mineral deficiencies and weak body. I always thought of living life like a superior man but PMO never let it manifested.


Active Member
@Bawanda sorry to hear of your struggle. Have you been tested for mineral deficiency? You can take a Chelated Zinc 50mg daily, to replace what is lost with frequent ejaculation.
I'm 26 years of age and it's been 16 years since I started masturbation. Now I know it's a menace and I started my reboot journey here few months ago but i relapsed .Now I'm exhausted mentally and physically and I wanted to come to real world asap. Help help help me. Please!
Now I have many mineral deficiencies and weak body. I always thought of living life like a superior man but PMO never let it manifested.
damn i'm sorry for you. have you tried meditation? i've heard that meditation works really well. only i found a other meditation which is writing in calligraphy. it's peaceefull for the mind and i felt so focused.