Hey guys. Im going keep this simple as i can. Earlier threads of mine i have talked about that i have no libido for the last 6 months. I ve started this pmo free 6 months ago and deleted instagram tho. My penis is normal since the last month. I have regular morning woods and i can maintain the erection without porn. But my libido had never came back. I reopened my instagram today and tried to talk with some new girls and no tickle at bottom. Talkin and flirting with girls on instagram used to give me excitement like a year or 2 years ago. But today i tried and not even single spark down there. I felt so bad. Then i thought im not in flatline. Like flatline means u dont have a libido and ur penis does not work at the same time. But my penis is actually working but my mind does not want any sexual thing. So i thought maybe the supplements like creatine, omega3, vitamine d, multivitamin, zma ( i use these daily) and lifting weight may cause me a low libido. Im 5 year natural lifter and im actually good at this. Im the strongest in gym and in my friends. Sometimes people call me im on roids cause of my baldness ( its genetic ) and my penis does not work ( I have mentioned this pied situation to my a few friends. ). So i thought maybe my muscles have gone so strong now and all the testosterone that my body produced goes for my muscles and there is nothing left for my libido ( it sounds crazy but be indulgent ). Im still free of pmo for 6 months btw. I have also checked my testosterone levels and blood tests. Everything is normal plus my testosteron is 9.8 which is maximum in normal value. What do you guys think?