I'm 15. I have been on and off PMO ever since I was probably around 11 or 12. At one point in between I was severely addicted, spending every second of my day PMO'in to much more extreme genres. I would rather not recall any of that, but the main focus is that I was addicted, and my life was in pieces.Iater after that I healed a bit, I picked up most of the pieces, I kind of tried to do NoFap and from then on reduced my PMO to around once a week, then around once every two weeks, then my PC broke down. Yay? No. That's where I spent all my time programming, modeling, drawing, literally every single one of my hobbies existed on this very computer. Then daily porn use started to creep back into my schedule from its dark recesses, into a contemporary light. That is where I am at the moment. I began to panic a bit, but it's not too bad as of yet. That is when I read a lot on 'rebooting' and signed up to forums like this one.
I do not consider myself a deep-dyed addict at the moment but with due regard to my age I feel that It is of paramount importance that I cut out this habit as early on as possible.
To finish off, I would very much appreciate any advice you may have, for both my future and my present, and for my journey in becoming cleansed of this wretched behaviour. Thank you for taking your time to read this
I do not consider myself a deep-dyed addict at the moment but with due regard to my age I feel that It is of paramount importance that I cut out this habit as early on as possible.
To finish off, I would very much appreciate any advice you may have, for both my future and my present, and for my journey in becoming cleansed of this wretched behaviour. Thank you for taking your time to read this