Day 6/30
I experienced a lot of triggers today but managed to control myself. The sudden influx of stress hit me like a train but luckily I am too exhausted now to even consider PMO. I remind myself of what William said in
this post about quitting addictions having to be nr.1 on your priority list, and that if it wasn't, it meant you weren't ready. I aim to take that seriously (even at a cost). Besides the stress of college and my future I still put this first, because I can't function in a world of both PMO (or other addictions) and academics. The former HAS TO precede the latter in being handled, it's how I have come to understand how I function. Academics are inflated in my head to be the hardest to do, so it needs to be preceded by something easier.It's easy to procrastinate and not do something you know you should, but it's mighty fucked up to deny yourself to work on assignments because you haven't worked out yet or meditated. I know this is just my situation. I'd rather be working a shitty job while working on myself and then enrolling, instead of teetering on the edge of failing out of college while working on myself. Yet it fucking sucks. It makes me incredibly sad to think about the time and effort wasted, not only academically...
I used to relax or calm myself down by using PMO as a cope for stress or pressure or whatever but I have a feeling that it facilitated ignoring stress or allowing my capacity for it to grow, which inadvertently resulted in more procrastination as the stress limit became higher.
As I pushed for a deadline, I felt my brain speak of "rewards", or "deserved relaxation" or "enjoyment" but I managed to quickly shut those thoughts off. It's strange but whereas I once welcomed them, they now haunt (
) me. To put it into perspective, it feels like a devil on your shoulder.
Cutting PMO (and my internet addiction) just gave me so much time, and in conjunction with trying to tolerate boredom (less/no dopaminergic activities) I've realized a few things. It got me to look forward to the future, not only concerning partners. It's given me more time to contemplate my present, past and future and given me the opportunity to think about what I want from life. It's daunting (which is partly why I coped) but I rest assured those feelings are normal and necessary in a human life. My mental state feels more "normal", which is a huge leap for me. My emotional state is a fucking mess, still, but it sill get better in time with these changes. I am certain.