Reporting for 14-15-16/10
Day 43-44-45/60
I forced myself to sit down and bulk report because I realized I would never find the motivation to recall 3 days' worth of information. I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday, so I'm going forward with what I do remember.
I'm experiencing multiple things that I find hard to deal with in short order. A series of 'bad days' (of my own making, no doubt). This has accumulated into consecutive late reports. It now has even gotten so far I stopped reflecting for 3 whole days. Should I skip a day, I'll skip another in the future. I'll keep skipping and stop reporting. I'll forget about the struggle, my resolve will have shriveled. I'd relapse. I have to keep reporting, simple as.
Just before writing, I had to fight tooth and nail against urges. I browsed pornographic material and began convincing myself of a lot of things. I was ready to throw in the towel, but I held my ground.
"Porn counts as failing/relapsing, so you might as well go the whole mile and start over tomorrow."
- "You can't assure yourself you won't suffer this same whim tomorrow again, and the day after and so on. Is this short, temporary indulgence worth blemishing your determination so far? Are your seriously considering tripping yourself up? Do you really want to feel worse down the line? Exactly, no you don't."
"You enjoy this so much, so it can't be bad."
- "It IS bad, you read the literature and the testimonies. You observed the same within yourself. Don't choose to be ignorant."
"Who cares if you engage in PMO, everyone deserves to relieve themselves and feel better."
- "It's artifical stimulation and relief. It doesn't relieve what needs relieving, properly. Spend your energy on finding things that do."
"Don't worry about PMO negatively affecting you, you'll set boundaries and engage with it to your benefit only."
- "You won't send boundaries, you have no evidence that you can. PMO is never only to your benefit. Its drawbacks are invisible but you know where to look to find them."
"You can just lie in your reports, the milestones are just arbitrary numbers."
- "You chose for this to be your #1 priority and spent all this effort on it. You can't let that be for nothing. Don't toss away that which you need to be better, to be who you want to be."
"PMO is just self-care in the absence of a partner, until that time it's fine to engage with."
- "PMO is not self-care, it's self-harm. It's not fine to engage with, as it desensitizes you to real partners. With PMO in your life, you won't desire a partner."
"You're denying yourself something you need, why torture yourself like that? You deserve this just as much any other person."
- "You believe you need PMO and that you depend on it, but it's not a right or reward, it's not a compassionate thing to do.
"These urges are returning after 40 days still, so they will after twice that too. This is a pointless struggle, so trust that you'll set healthy boundaries and it wouldn't harm your goals in life."
- "You wrote a list of reasons why it does harm your goals in life, this is just blatantly false. Suffering addiction is torture, true, but this suffering will lessen and pass down the line. If you haven't made it past 90 days, you can't truthfully say it is pointless. Stop lying to yourself."
And so much more...
What's tragic is, I wanted to convince myself. I'm behind the wheel, but it feels like I'm letting the devil and angel on my shoulder grab for the wheel. It was (and still is) tearing me apart.
I had hoped to articulate some profound thoughts and information I researched to launch me ahead with new momentum, but I haven't set time aside for it. I haven't set the time aside for anything 'good' for me. I've absent-mindedly been going to employment agencies, trying to get a job. I've been indulging in games, trusting that it was to unwind, reward or motivate myself. I've been eating processed foods, packaged foods, fast foods understanding that I need the calories and that I deserve tasty snacks... I've done these things because I believed they were all better than PMO. It doesn't feel like they are. Nothing compares to PMO. It feels like I'm doing these things as a distraction from PMO, not because I truly enjoy them. It's clear to me now more than ever, that I have no consistent concept of how to best help myself. It's a hopeless and discouraging feeling. Is it learned helplessness?
Today I felt so shit, wanting to break down at the slighest inconvenience and isolate myself outside or at home. I wanted to be left alone. All that momentum the past month went into a wicked nosedive and I couldn't pin why. Looking at my reports, it's obvious. I'm not sleeping, I'm not meditating, I'm not exercising, I'm not eating properly, I'm not reflecting, I'm not being thankful, I'm spending more time on my phone. I take my medication and do something productive, expecting that to solve everything. It doesn't. My priorities are wrong, I don't course correct when I veer off. Three days. Three days I spent messing up. I almost robbed myself of my most important achievement, a personal record of 45 days sober of PMO. I was building up to it, gathering up all the negativity of past-present-future to boost me into a catastrophical binge. If I relapsed, I would have hit a new low. I got so close to doing that to myself too. How dare I do that to myself?!
I focus on everything I mislike and expect this bleak future for myself. Then it comes naturally that PMO sobriety doesn't matter. It would only help to tolerate that self-fulfilling prophecy. That's not living or existing, I'd rather die than spend another week with that feeling.
The only reason I was able to fight those thoughts was because I did the work. I did the introspection, I had these answers ready in a moment of weakness. I am bearing the fruit of that labor.
I am getting back in the saddle. Fuck this noise.