Appreciate the words of encouragement as always.
Made it through yesterday, but I’m honestly feeling emotionally drained today. I try to be positive about this process but I always fail.
Porn itself makes me feel like I am failing myself and others, and I believe I am a worse person for it. Yet I keep going back to it, seeming to have limited impulse control. I have read up about it all, kept myself informed, tried different approaches but it never lasts.
In everything else I do, I always try to do the right thing and believe myself a good person. But this thing is like a stain that I can’t scrub off. If I could cut that piece of myself away I’d do it in an instant. I hate everything about it, and though I don’t want to admit it, the hatred spills over to the way I see myself.
I’m hoping the melancholy passes, and I hope I really can rid myself of this stain. I never lack for determination, but so far it has not been enough, and that is tough to take time and again.
I can’t keep repeating the cycle. I have to break it. I can’t say for certain this will be the time I succeed, but I am determined not to feel like this anymore.