Day 173 and 3.
Love is our built-in need. If there is no love, there is fear. And where there is fear, there is control. And where there is control, there is an inability to live in the here and now. Life can only be lived where one is safe. Security only comes from the experience of being carried, and being carried we feel we are only where we are surrounded by love.
So where is love, where to find it? It is everywhere, even inside me. But one of the characteristics of love is that it does not force its way into anything. It comes especially where it is needed, and it is especially needed where weakness is recognized. A person who is aware of his weakness understands that he needs love. So it's about humility. Humility attracts love, for humility and love are siblings. So don't worry about whether love is there - think instead about whether you have humility. As soon as humility appears, love arrives in its wake.”
I think i am on half way. I tried to think so that i dont blame others. But i am full of blame myself. I am not healing if i cant stop blame me and start to love me.