Finding life outside gadgets, social media and porn


Active Member
@SajithKR: don't give up! I've been there, and not once, but many times. It does not matter how many times you relapse as long as you keep trying. Consider looking for the positive after a relapse, even if it's only that you looked at vanilla content instead of something degrading, or that you didn't binge as long as you usually do. Find something to encourage yourself with: beating yourself up, as I've done many times, will lead you to just give up and do it more since you're going to feel awful no matter what you do.


Active Member
SajithKR, I'm thinking that one of your problems is not having enough to do on your free time. Maybe you could get interested in a hobby. Preferably one that also has a community and is in real life rather than on the internet. I suggest that you look inside your heart to find something that you once cared a lot about or something that you always wanted to do but thought you couldn't. Do you like music? Art? Cars? Model trains? working out? Maybe yoga? A hobby can really take your mind off PMO and help you to focus when things get tought. It is also good to meet new people that have similar interests as you.


Relapsed after 13 days. Only plus is that I have not ejaculated. If that is a plus. I needed some relief from a stressful situation.
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Respected Member
SajithKR, I'm thinking that one of your problems is not having enough to do on your free time. Maybe you could get interested in a hobby. Preferably one that also has a community and is in real life rather than on the internet. I suggest that you look inside your heart to find something that you once cared a lot about or something that you always wanted to do but thought you couldn't. Do you like music? Art? Cars? Model trains? working out? Maybe yoga? A hobby can really take your mind off PMO and help you to focus when things get tought. It is also good to meet new people that have similar interests as you.

This post has most of what you need.
We cannot pass a course without material and study.

Similarly we cannot halt addictions without suitable replacements and activities that fulfill us. Please focus on this "do", instead of just abstinence's "don't do"


I like lot of activities. I am not a good talker. I feel I am active than every one at home including my teenage kids who like only video games. I also do yoga in morning without fail. The issue i have now is that I need to watch something on mobile till I fall asleep and if there is nothing very interesting to watch till iam too tired and ready to sleep, i could end up watching porn.


Respected Member
Try podcast. That puts me to sleep all the time. There is never a need to.
We can choose. Often we choose the easiest and most convenient. But usually these are most unbeneficial.
So find something else, and take yourself away from danger.


Day 3: It is 1 am and struggling to sleep. Some nasty thoughts of loneliness are ruining my sleep. Some porn could easily free my mind and give me some sleep, but I am resisting. Let me try to meditate till I sleep.


Meditation did the trick. Might have slept at 2am. Got up at 7am. Time for my yoga, but need a cold shower before that.
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Day 21: Staying away. I am not thinking much about sex. I just lost interest. Accepted the life without sex and not feeling bad about it.


Day 26: Staying away, but feeling little bit tempted to release. There is some pressure to get the pleasure. Having sex with wife does not seem like an option as she is not feeling well and is not showing any interest. Not sure what I should do.


Respected Member
This may be unhelpful advice but avoiding M as much as possible was my life changing discipline and I recommend it to everyone. You discover new things about yourself and those new things are amazing.