Finding life outside gadgets, social media and porn


Day 29: Staying away. Also no M. Going bit crazy. Difficult sleeping, tempted to eat more junk, not finding anything interesting, don't feel like working. Any way there is less work and getting ready for year end vacation, but it is not exciting. I would like to travel, but Kids are having exams and wife not feeling well. No other way, just accept life the way it is.


Day 42: Staying away. There is change in mindset that helped me reach this number. I removed the thoughts that I am made of sex and sex is something important that I should have. Started to understand that I don't need sex. I am sure young people can never come to this conclusion. Here my age is helping me and I am coming to my sences.


Day 55: Still staying away. Feels good to enter new year with some Pride. Some actual sexual desires are coming back, but I am holding back. It feels good to maintain the desire and yet not fulfill it. May be I am learning to be a little romantic without sex as a goal. Happy new year without P, M, or physical sex.


Day 59: Still staying away. Some thing I missed to mention and appreciate is that I am sleeping on time. I am able to sleep without watching movies till I fall asleep. Still i spend lots of time on mobile and mainly youtube. Need to also overcome that over time.


Day 69: Still staying away. Some thoughts like is it really worth it or am I denying myself something is creeping in my mind. Recently i watched live circus with family. Beautiful girls in minimal clothes, performing in front of me did trigger some imotion.


Active Member
You're doing good @SajithKR, keep at it! Yes, beautiful girls are pretty much always triggering. And that isn't wrong: we are wired to respond that way. The challenge is to look, appreciate, and move on in both mind and body. I know you already know that.


Day 74: Well, still staying away. Anything special? Nothing special. I am able to sleep on time. That was a bit of struggle before. No need of guilt. Still hooked to screen most of the day.


Day 81: Still staying away. Feeling bit isolated. Not able to connect to anyone. The only way I used to connect to wife was with sex. Now that is also gone. May be that is what helped me to reach day 81. The issue is that I like to be alone.
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Day 87: Staying away, but had sex with wife. I took the initiative and it just happened. I would not call it very successful as I did not last long. This could happen if I am doing it after a long time. I used to feel that PMO actually increase my endurance, even though general belief is the opposite. Any way i feel lighter today as it was a loving and bonding time. I hope she also viewed it like that. I am also happy that I am close to 90day magic number.


Day 94: Not sure what to say. Will 2025 be the year i left this for ever. I hope so. Now I need to target my screen time. That is going to be even tougher as we need it to live in today's world. We can only reduce it to essential time. In the process my life could become really boring. May be I can overcome it, the same way i decided to make life more boring but satisfied without PMO.
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