Changing the Desire for Unwanted Behaviors
The thinking is this:
Despite conscious choices and an intent to quit, the sub-conscious mind continues on in it's beliefs and delusions. Hence, there's an ongoing cognitive dissonance and potential duplicity concerning unwanted behaviors. Feelings express the sub-conscious mind more than does conscious thought. Changing your sub-conscious beliefs will affect and change your feelings for P, PMO, and MO, making it easier to quit.
This may be a lengthy post, but it represents a deep dive for me, a challenging of the feelings behind the unwanted behaviors without judgment.
Reasonings toward Unwanted Behaviors
Below is first the reason or rationalization, and the subtext in red is the answer.
1. It feels good.
It feels good to be clean, to have not looked at anything, to not have done anything when I otherwise had opportunity. It feels good to have a lengthy streak of abstinence. Holiness feels good.
2. It relaxes me.
Temporarily. But the fear of discovery is stressful. Guilt and shame are stressful. The addiction creates its own weather.
3. It destresses me.
It distresses you.
4. When my mind gets too full, I need a release, a vent.
This is what healthy brains innocently do to help. But it's a handicap, retarding yourself from personal growth. The full and busy mind, will relax of its own.
5. It helps me to escape negative and painful emotions.
Until it creates its own negative and painful emotions. If they arise, feel them for what they are, give them their voice- or else, let them go as freely as they came.
6. It takes away loneliness.
It actually fosters loneliness, because it's in isolation and secrecy. There's inherent shame, which isolates one. It insulates yourself from feeling life, and thus isolates you from life. You're not actually in relationship with pixelated images. You're having sexual or emotional relations with a phone screen?? It feels far better to have sex with a real woman with emotional connection.
7. I get 'special attention' that I don't get anywhere else.
They're looking at a camera, and will never actually meet you, see you, or look at you. They're looking at (likely) some ugly man filming them. It's pretended and fantasized attention.
Give yourself attention by not engaging in this meaningless fantasy.
8. These women are doing everything for my personal enjoyment.
Again, they don't know you, nor will ever meet you. They don't actually care about you. They're actually doing this for themselves, for the money, enriching themselves off of lonely and broken men. Or, they're doing this because they're being sex-trafficked, and have no say in their own fate.
They're not trying to please you, but trying to please their handlers, so they can get either money, drugs for their addiction, or to not get beat or killed.
9. I need this.
Your lower brain needs this. Habit and addiction needs this for its own survival. Cease feeding it (via responding to the urges), and it will go away. Do this consistently, and it will be no more.
What you need is God, sanity, wholeness, holiness, purity, a happy and wholesome self that doesn't depend on these behaviors for its fulfillment.
10. I deserve this.
You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be free from addictive behavior. You deserve to be clean. You deserve to leave these behaviors behind, and be a new person.
11. This special time is the only time I get to experience these things in the privacy of my own home.
What makes this time so special? That you get to look at pornography with all its filthiness? That you get to swim in filth, looking for that 'golden nugget'? That you get to be autoerotic?
Nay, but this is a special time when, in the privacy of your own home, you get to become more intimate with God, mystical.
12. If I don't act out to this now, I'll miss out on this golden opportunity.
The opportunity is to dismiss the urges and change. The opportunity is to no longer treat alone time as a hall-pass. The opportunity is to truly enjoy your time alone.
13. If I don't act out to this now, I'll miss out on hours of endless pleasure.
Or, if you don't act out, you'll miss out on endless hours of obsession, tiredness the next day, missing a good night's sleep.
14. These women smile at me, are accepting of me, do not reject or judge me.
They're acting on film. Or, they may smile, but they actually disrespect men who treat them as objects. They smile because they're getting paid.
15. They're enjoying this.
They may or may not be enjoying it; or, they're acting; or, they're playing out an abuse scenario, where, yes, there's enjoyable physical sensation, but it's forced, coerced, motivated by a drug addiction, or sex-trafficking.
16. They make me feel loved and accepted.
In person, they probably wouldn't accept you- why? Because it's fantasy.
17. They want me to enjoy this.
They want money, they want drugs, they want their abusers to leave them alone, they want to be respected as women.
18. They are doing this for my own private viewing.
They don't care about your private viewing, they don't exist. How private is it? Servers, IP addresses, all of that can be forensically dissected, tracked or traced. There is no privacy any more.
19. I have the opportunity to see beautiful women doing things they wouldn't normally do.
Things they normally wouldn't do, because they have issues. Why take advantage of broken or abused women?
20. It brings a smile to my face viewing certain scenarios.
Why? Smiling doesn't make it right. Smiling while drinking poison? Smiling while hurting yourself? Smiling proves misplaced feelings.
21. I'm angry at, or hurt by my wife, I may as well do it!
Revenge porn! Why end what felt like healing, what was normalcy, only to revisit obsessiveness and compulsion? Because I'm angry or hurt, what- hurt myself more, in the name of comforting myself? Forgiveness feels better.
22. I have this freedom (at home alone) to do anything, without accountability!
Be accountable to yourself! You are not being your best self, or the best version of yourself- hold yourself to a higher standard!
23. Women have always been my saviors.
In appearance. I need but one Savior. Again, I need to save myself from depending on any maladaptive behaviors.
24. This is what men do, I need this to express my needs as a man.
Real men don't watch porn. They're only satisfied with real love with real women. Real men respect women, protect women from the dehumanizing porn industry. Real men grow up, and face their pain and their problems without running away.
The above will be altered and changed as either better answers are forthcoming, and as other reasons, rationalizations or excuses are uncovered.