Advice After 100 Days!



Excellent list! Reading some of the success stories here really gives me a boost. Items 1 and 2 are of the utmost importance as I can tell from previous attmpts.


Thank you, Toreador.

Items 1 and 2 are key, though they require a diligence on our part.

I'm constantly modifying what works for me, and am actually working on a more organized system.

Stay tuned.


What I also would add: Never listen to your addicted brain rationalising. When it comes up with clever arguments, tell it to shut up. Immediately. I could fill a notebook or two with arguments of all sort about why I should stop rebooting now and just have have half an hour of PMO. It has to be absolutely clear that one never enters into a discussion with the addiction.

Regards, Toreador


toreador said:
What I also would add: Never listen to your addicted brain rationalising. When it comes up with clever arguments, tell it to shut up. Immediately. I could fill a notebook or two with arguments of all sort about why I should stop rebooting now and just have have half an hour of PMO. It has to be absolutely clear that one never enters into a discussion with the addiction.

Regards, Toreador

Excellent point, brother. That will be part of my new system, how to recognize and resist the addictive voice.


Leon, brilliant post! Thank you so much for the time and effort that went into writing this post. I will reread and learn from it. I really like your positive approach of transforming adverse conditions, using faith and using patience rather than resistance. These are tools of wisdom. Thank you again Leon. I am very happy you are here. FF


Thank you for your kind words, F.F.

As stated above to Toreador was that I'm currently working on a system based on what's worked for me, which contains a lot more insights that I actually learned after those first 100 days. I may link to a special website for that in order to help others from a more specialized standpoint.

I am greatly encouraged and thankful that my meager offerings can be of service to you.

Peace profound.