What is reboot nation ?



Hi !

why is there a new forum with another name ? Will yourbrainrebalanced disappear ? Or did you become YBOP's official forum ?


Active Member
Looks like Gabe has recently set up this forum? YourBrainRebalanced is run by TheUnderdog.

I haven't heard anything from TheUnderdog about shutting YourBrainRebalanced down. So, I think it will continue.

It is great Gabe decided to set up a forum. I hope it will bring some more attention to his Youtube videos! They are the best I have seen, and deserve more views.

Gabe Deem

Staff member
Reboot Nation is the website and support community for my YouTube channel The Reboot Nation. It is a slightly different approach than other forums. Our two focuses are on 1) educating all of our members with the science behind neuroplasticity and addiction, and 2) raising awareness to the issue through public speaking/assemblies among other things.

RebootNation.org will also serve as a news site for all things concerning porn addiction and rebooting, and a very supportive community for addicts/rebooters and their partners.

Yourbrainrebalanced will remain a great place for people to get support and share advice and will be linked to from our site as another option for getting help.

Welcome to Reboot Nation and feel free to ask questions, share your story, and we hope you find the support and information you need to reboot your brain and live life to the fullest!



Ok ! I like that approach, I think it's what lacked YBR although TheUnderdog has made great effort to change the mindset of YBR's users.
I will transfer my journal here and see if I like the place.