Wolverine reborn


Active Member

You have made quite a progress o  your PMO addiction. See there is so much green in your counter.  :)

but permanent removal of PMO is only way to live a happy life. I know this. I had made quite a progress and then one day I slipped.
it took me almost 2 months to come back here and start over. I don't know where I am on recovery but I feel like I have just started.  Only advantage is the knowledge and you guys.

so keep fighting my friend. Your plan sounds pretty good so just stick to it.

Take care and best of luck.


Day 2

Today I feel tire and scared, I am always scared after relapse. This is something that feeds my addiction cycle because the most effective way to fell better for a moment is PMO it is like a painkiller to me. But it works only for a moment and than it is causing the pain again. It is funny that cause and the cure comes from the same source.


Recently I experience erotic dreams, never had it before with such intensity. It is quite interesting but also dangerous because I am recalling this dreams and images when I am up. I hope it is temporary.

Besides I feel OK, do not have much to worry about - thanks God for that.


Active Member
Hi wolverine.

Glad to see your growth. Much lesser reds in marker. But we need an absolute zero. So keep it up buddy.

Yes PMO like any other addiction is a vicious cycle which feeds on our inability to embrace pain for longer good.
Once we are able to handle a momentary bad feeling, we are destined to win.

So keep it up buddy. Embrace the pain and use it to make you stronger. I know it's easier said than done. I am also  not able to follow this principle and relapse a lot. But that's the only solution.

Keep it up buddy. Stay strong.



Hey wolv, me too I'm reaching financial true security and independance. I have some great pdf/videos/mp3 I started a little marketing activity with Internet go in PM if you want. I do really like finances I learned some crazy tips to get actually rich! Really simple to do but easier not to..
Ps: I'm 20yo


After being clean for 13 days I relapsed today. I feel tired and depressed. Do you guys know how to improve mood quicker to get back on track ASAP?



Active Member
Hi Wolverine,

Sorry to hear about your relapse. Trick is to accept a relapse as a part of reboot process. Second thing all your progress is not wiped off because of one relapse. Realise that.
Learn and forget. .. that's how you deal with a relapse.

Doing something right can help in feeling better like exercise,  meditation,  reading or finishing some work you were procrastinating for long. Nothing give better high than accomplishment.

For me taking long walk helps as it helps me clear my mind. Talking to someone close is also a good idea.

point is anything positive and which you have missed because of PMO will do the trick. Choose what works for you.

best of luck my friend. You are doing great.



Hi all in a New year!

I'm still here still fighting, not so good lately but most important still motivated.

Hi Wolverine.

Happy new year. I agree with Phoenix0015.

First, it is good to be motivated. For many years I just felt I should not do any new attempts because of my old failures.

Second, at the end you should find what works for you. Which is possibly a combination of many things worked for others.

Third, exactly as Phoenix0015 said, we should bring new actions in our life. I mysslf realised that when I am doing staff like meditation, healty cooking, walking, meditatin, reading and actually changing my habits and hobbies I will become motivated and rarely think about pmo. Sometimes new actions really helped me. Like I was bored and I said today for the first time I will start painting, or colouring book or coligraphy. Not to become expert. Just to see if I can enjoy it.
But at the end you should find your own solutions.


Thanks guys it is important to believe that it is possible to overcome the urges and simply do something else something more healthy and logical.

I believe that I will find my way out sooner or later, each clean day makes it closer and more visible...


Since yesterday I am devastated, I have terrible mood swings and I feel strong urges for sex. I know that this are withdrawal symptoms still I don't know if I will handle any longer. I need a relief from that pressure and stress and anxiety and the best that I know is PMO.


And here I am again 3 days binging and 1 day sober. That may not look good but that's how it is in my case since 2 years I cant stay longer than 1-2 weeks. I know I miss something I just don't know what...


Finally I am back on a good path. Need to stay calm and present to avoid urges.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, its hard. I have been feeling awful since yesterday. Mind is all fogged, a fake horniness blanketing me. I go from manically happy to downright depressed within a few minutes. Its crazy.


Today I feel confused and anxious, obviously I have lost my confidence and clear thinking because of the porn that I consumed or maybe it consumed me...anyway I am back on track again I did not break my routine which is good, still I need to meditate on regular basis now I do it only from time to time. I wish need to remind myself the basics all the time, It seems that I know the theory but I am not motivated enough to fight the cravings when they come. It is mostly because I do not feel motivated enough I do not feel that long-term benefits are worth much more than few minutes of dopamine high.

The good thing is that I need less time and more soft porn or even erotic, I feel like a teenager around girls, they all seems to be more sexy than year before, best of all my wife seems to be sexier and that is huge advantage:)


Hello my friends

It has been a while since my last post, many things happened during this period, mostly related to my job. All those things were stressful and as you probably know my "best" solution for stress is PMO, so as you can see on my counter below I had series of relapses and I was not able to break my cycle.

My therapist advised me to stop therapy and continue my medication (antidepressants) for at least 6 months. In her opinion my major problem causing strong urges for porn is OCD that I have in her opinion. I was on therapy for 2 years so I assume that she had enough time for diagnosis therefore she is right. So now I am on my own supported by my meds and hopefully you guys:)


Right now I am in a shithole again. I need to find strength to stand up and fight again.


Active Member
My friend Wolverine,

I can perfectly understand and relate to what you are going through.

Please understand,  this addiction is very strong and unique in many ways. Firstly you carry your drug, Dopamine inside your head. So there is no way you can be physically away from it like with other drugs.
Second you can also imagine or remember P to give yourself a kick which is sometimes so hard to resist. 

What you are trying to reverse is years and years of brain modification which is never going to be easy.
Hence don't be so hard on yourself.

I suggest you focus on doing right things rather than avoiding P. Start exercise and meditation immediately.

Go for long walks. They give you so much of clarity and peace.

And we are always there fir yiu buddy so relax.

Best of luck. 