long journey but I'm finally seeing the light


Before I write anything about myself I want to thank Gabe and all the nation. I just want to let everyone know that if I'm going through this reboot anyone in this forum can..I took my 1st glimpse of porn when I was 5 years old and from there it was history..porn magazines u name it..but I really started getting into heavy porn use at the age of 14..streaming porn on my PlayStation 3 had become the worst thing that happened to me. I have literally abused porn over 10 years. I finally noticed the effects of porn at the age of 24.. I couldn't get it up with the woman of my dreams..a beautiful woman all around and I couldn't get slightly arouse..it was a living nightmare but I stumbled onto one of Gabe's videos and I began my reboot in July 2015..I would lie if I told u it wasnt difficult and times when I lost hope but I learned to embrace the hard times because at the end it has made me a better person.. Times I was angry at the world and times when I cried because I didn't know if I would ever have a family. But me being a gym rat that I am, watching gabes videos over again and keeping a positive mindset has taken me very far in my reboot journey..I am now 7 months no pmo and I feel more motivitated and ambitious then mever to make up for years of lost time.. I just wanna tell all those folks in the forum that feel hopeless that we are all in the same boat.were here to help one another to get through this..theres gonna be good days followed by bad days in this journey but trust me, if u keep on trucking it u will begin to see the light.. anyone need help or support message me and I will gladly give u guys advice on how to be at this addiction...I'm not 100% yet but I can say haven't looked at porn since the beginning of my reboot and I plan to keep it that way..thanks to nation again and I hope a speedy recovery to everyone