Successful reboot?


Well-Known Member
Day 56: no the slightest interest in porn at the Moment. It is life build on lies.  What good does it do? something also opened up my eyes: Just be a man, act like a man and stand up for yourself.

Also, I am doing pushups in the Mornings. It is useless but still fun to do! I do it until my arms hurt and I want to break down.


Well-Known Member
the reason why we watch porn is because we did not learn to how sleep with women in real life! we do not go out anymore. It is a Little bit pathetic. But my own wordings sounds negative. And love and hate are Close together. So again, my Goal is to be completely indifferent about porn.

My only regret is that I did not start sobering up at least 10 years ago. how many hours were wasted on nothing! Really sad. But better a restart now than never. So I am deeply committed to this reboot.


Well-Known Member
Day 58: I am watching and reading about male literature. The reason why we are here is a lot of because of our education. Playing PC Games and Porn is something very passive. We are not doing something. And this is why it is so comfortable. We do not Need to fight for a cause. But this is not the real life.

I have had no issues lately.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I have not been online for a Long time because I want to Things from a different angle. Also focusing on rebooting doesnt work. I have been fine in the mean time. My message for everyone is: do not beat yourself up and stay firm with your beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

I have not been online for a Long time. I have not relapsed on pornographic material.

It is a good/sad truth: life without porn is a life without shame! It is a life without thinking that I Need some therapeutic help. When I do not watch porn, my brain is more active, I do not feel like a victim. It is a better life.

Keep up your efforts.

I hope it stays that way.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

It is been a Long time that I watched porn. I never watched it again. It must be some time now. I do know the difference now.
When I watch porn, I feel something evil is dragging me. Something is pulling me down. But my message to you all is to not let yourself be pulled by some Forces.

Also: sometimes thinking too much about reboot is not good. Get a real life. Get laid. Get married. Or do something else. Key is to DO SOMETHING. Watching porn is the most passive Thing ever.

I hope it is gone forever now.

So Stay strong.


Well-Known Member
It seems weird, but at the Moment there is not the slightest urge and longing for porn. What amazes more than ever, I think my brain seems like 50% better than before. I am thinking extremely clearly. Under the influence of porn, I do not think very clearly. Anyways I hope this time It is staying forever now. It really seems a better world.  Orgasm wise it is the same. Porn orgasm is no better than normal orgasm.

Everyone good luck here.


Well-Known Member
Stupidly enough, I did it again this week. I moed to p.  For safety, I will write here again. 

I was annoyed with one Thing and it triggered the porn reaction.

I am not recrying now but I have to refocus again and get my Attention again towards sobriety and why I want to be free. Mainly because of more self-respect.


Active Member
Man this rebooting thing is so hard. Your previous post said you were not even thinking about it and then out of nowhere this thing comes out to bite you. But we don't have a choice, we need to fight!


Active Member
Hey mate - sorry to hear about the relapse. Hope you can get straight back on your streak.

Yeah - it's so hard battling against our own brain. 'I don't want to relapse, I just relapsed.' But other's have done it before us, and we've proven we can do it for long stretches. We will do it.