My reboot DAY 1


New Member
Day 1
Okay so today is Day 1 of NoFap. A little about myself: I?m 23, chronic marijuana smoker (almost every day, multiple bowls, since I was like 18), and I fap to orgasm about 2 or 3 times a day, usually to porn. I workout like mad and I?m in incredible shape, so I know I?m not affected my low T. I don?t remember when it started, but sometime after my first relationship (about 19) I started to develop performance anxiety, ED, and PE, which I think all stemmed from my porn usage.
I have no trouble getting women into bed or getting a girlfriend. My ED usually subsides when I get comfortable with a new girl, but by no means is it cured.  I still get super nervous trying to have sex anywhere but the bed. Even when sex does happen in the bed, I often will lose my erection when changing positions. Some days I can go forever without losing it though. PE, however, completely depends on the day, 85% of the time i cum within 3 mins of penetration and the other 15% I can go without stop until i decide that I want to cum (the way it should be in my opinion).
Most recent relationship lasted 6 months (just broke up) and I know that part of it had to do with my insecurity about sex. I felt that every time my girlfriend didn?t want to have sex (we actually had sex like 4-5 times a week) that she was cheating on me because of my sexual inadequacies, so I would accuse her of cheating and that eventually led to fights, which led to more fights which led to us breaking up.

Here?s the plan:
90 days no fap
Edging occasionally only with spontaneous erections with lube (thoughts on this)
Daily kegels
Reduce marijuana intake
      Sex okay only after 30 days of NoFap

I plan to go 90 days with NoFap, as well as performing kegels and edging. Kegels will be performed every day to increase erection strength and edging will occur occasionally only when i get a spontaneous erection. My theory is that, by only edging when I get a spontaneous erection, I will not only break the habit of getting hard by the feeling of my hand, but also I will get used to the fact that the feeling of orgasm does not necessarily require ejaculation and I will be able to control it better. I feel as though I?ve grown too accustomed to the linkage between orgasm and ejaculation, so if I can somehow separate those events, my endurance will increase. Also, I feel that porno creates bad masturbatory habits in that it conditions you to cum quickly before the video ends or to cum when the woman in the video cums. One more thing on masturbation. I?ve noticed that all my life i?ve been a dry-jerker. I feel as though dry-jerking also creates bad habits. In dry-jerking, I never stimulate the head of the penis, only the shaft. Masturbating this way does not mimic sex at all so when sex does occur, your penis head is more sensitive because it isn?t used to the stimulation so PE normally occurs.
Now, the marijuana issue is still unclear to me. I live in Colorado, so the price of weed isn?t a huge concern to me. I do however wonder if there is a correlation between my libido and the marijuana use. I feel like chronic marijuana consumption can lead to decreased dopamine/serotonin release. For me, marijuana is a reward and I am constantly seeking to reward myself by getting high. I feel that if i do cut way down on smoking , then my sex drive will increase because sex will become more of a reward than marijuana.
I?m done now. the posts that follow will be much shorter and focus on how I am feeling and on my sexual progress. feel free to leave comments. Thanks