Hello all -
So I have noticed that for me, while staying away from porn is fairly easy for me, staying away from masturbation to fantasy /p-fantasy is a huge challenge for me. I also am realizing that I have never, in all my life ( I am 24 now), orgasmed from masturbating the normal way ( stroking with hand). I can BEGIN to pre-cum, but no orgasm.
I am reading all these accounts of how damaging it is to your penis because the pressure of your body - especially when slammed against the mattress is damaging to the nerve sensitivity in the head. Crazy! So when it comes time to putting your penis in an actual vagina you experience anorgasma and/or DE... just piling on porn makes it even worse!
So I really have a reason to lay of masturbation for a while period because apparently my dick is habituated to immense pressure to get it off.
I see a lot of stuff on here about you can prevent yourself from masturbating while in bed... but what about if you masturbate like I do? What are some practical ways I can deter myself from that besides just sleeping on my back and not rolling over?
So I have noticed that for me, while staying away from porn is fairly easy for me, staying away from masturbation to fantasy /p-fantasy is a huge challenge for me. I also am realizing that I have never, in all my life ( I am 24 now), orgasmed from masturbating the normal way ( stroking with hand). I can BEGIN to pre-cum, but no orgasm.
I am reading all these accounts of how damaging it is to your penis because the pressure of your body - especially when slammed against the mattress is damaging to the nerve sensitivity in the head. Crazy! So when it comes time to putting your penis in an actual vagina you experience anorgasma and/or DE... just piling on porn makes it even worse!
So I really have a reason to lay of masturbation for a while period because apparently my dick is habituated to immense pressure to get it off.
I see a lot of stuff on here about you can prevent yourself from masturbating while in bed... but what about if you masturbate like I do? What are some practical ways I can deter myself from that besides just sleeping on my back and not rolling over?