I beat PIED at 19: tips for young rebooters


Active Member
Hey guys, as the title of this article states: I beat PIED and have withheld  PMO addiction for a little over a year and this thread is made to answer any questions how along with offering advice on how to beat this physically, emotionally and mentally. First thing I want to say is that beating this could all be a matter of PERSPECTIVE

    The way i see it, when you succeed and have a day with no PMO you can have 2 mentalities: I "survived" another day without relapsing, or you have pride in your growing accomplishment.

SURVIVAL: This, in my opinion, hints that you barely made it out alive that day and could collapse anytime soon. That's why in the wilderness there's a difference between "living" and "surviving". If you use this mildly negative perspective, you might subconsciously be setting yourself up to fail.

PRIDE: If you look back at each day as a proud accomplishment to a growing r?sum? of beating PMO, then you have a more optimistic outlook on what you've accomplished and how far you can take it. Which will hopefully be all the way if you are committed.

Stay strong you guys, let me know if you have questions


Active Member
Best tool I used in my fight against PIED: exercise  and making the decision simple.

Exercise until you are exhausted to the point of not having the physical will to relapse, it also releases natural hormones that give you the feeling of pride. For me, it was more symbolic as well. A reboot is about fighting through tough feelings, numerous hurdles and constant focus, much of which can be applied to a workout regimen. And at the end of each, you can look back and be proud of the effort you put in.

Making the decision simple is crucial as well. No matter how badly my brain told me I wanted to PMO, I knew that I had 2 choices:
1. Relapse and be depressed immediately after, leading two at least 2 weeks of heightened hormones and stress.
2. Fight off the urge and remain proud at my progress.

Good luck, guys


Congratulations :) :)
I have a question: how many streaks do You have before you reached that "last" streak which you continues to present day?


Active Member
jdilla97 said:
Congratulations :) :)
I have a question: how many streaks do You have before you reached that "last" streak which you continues to present day?

Too many to count. I would go maybe a week at a time for awhile before relapsing due to the stress and anxiety the reboot put on me. I had a streak of about 40 days before relapsing, and after that I was so tired of it and embarrassed in myself that I kept rebooting and haven't looked back since. The trick is to look at relapsing as a learning experience and to never make that mistake again.

Thank you for your question!


Awesome. I love the way you have overcome pmo . More importantly, your attitude is needed across the board of all rebooters to achieve lasting success.

P.S. The ides of Nofap remotely sounds like a videogame in your description of surviving and accomplishing.


Active Member
Hey stretch, long time no talk!  I've got a question for you, but I'll start with some background information.  I went 26 days of no pmo, relpased once and now I'm on day 10.  My question for you is when you were pretty early in your reboot did you notice your emotions, especially for girls, being more vibrant and strong then before?  I recently went on a date with this girl, and she told me that I moved to fast, which is something I never would have done in the past.  So, in your opinion, will this fix itself or do I actually need to take relationships slower in general?  Thanks Stretch!


New Member
Hey, i am 19 as well and I just want to stop looking at porn or any sexual content which is related to that. The longest time i could Do was about 7 days and then i just did it again and then its always just about 1 or 2 days and again. Everytime i Do it i feel quiet Bad but suddenly my hormones just tell me: its okay you can do it just once or so, and I mostly cannot resist that. Especially in the morning or evening... Did you Do your pmo without any Masturbation?
Yo, I have a tiny question for you. What did you do after you recovered? Did you start up porn again or just jerk it but no porn? What would happen if someone resumed porn after recovery or waiting for a bit and then resumed?


Active Member
hextonix said:
Hey stretch, long time no talk!  I've got a question for you, but I'll start with some background information.  I went 26 days of no pmo, relpased once and now I'm on day 10.  My question for you is when you were pretty early in your reboot did you notice your emotions, especially for girls, being more vibrant and strong then before?  I recently went on a date with this girl, and she told me that I moved to fast, which is something I never would have done in the past.  So, in your opinion, will this fix itself or do I actually need to take relationships slower in general?  Thanks Stretch!

Hey bud! Honestly, it might've heightened my emotions for girls for awhile. When you cut out PMO for awhile your body basically goes into hyperdrive and you might've just been eager due to your recent success. It also depends on the girl, I've been called out for both moving too fast and not quickly enough, which is super helpful lol. I say go at your own pace and try to communicate with the girl where she is and maybe y'all find comfortable ground! Good luck man!



Active Member
shamalaka6969 said:
Yo, I have a tiny question for you. What did you do after you recovered? Did you start up porn again or just jerk it but no porn? What would happen if someone resumed porn after recovery or waiting for a bit and then resumed?

I feel like the best thing to do is cut out porn/masturbation completely. I just know that it could be a slippery slope that might bring me back somewhere I never want to go back to. I've definitely considered trying it out, but it was so damn hard to get where I am now that I know that going through all that again would be too much to risk, but that's a personal choice not everybody commits to. Good luck out there man!



Active Member
Well, did you masterbate during your "healing" days?
Also i want to know for how many years you were watching porn (years, masturbation with porn per day)Thanks for helping us


Active Member
Needhelp19male said:
I have a question !!!! When will you know you are cured ???? From PED ???

Unfortunately its not always black and white knowing when you're cured. The success for me came in steps, being able to "finish" with a real girl, and then actually being able to have sex were all milestones. As far as being completely cured goes, I'm improving still with some days being better than others. This stuff can really have a deep impact in your head, but I'm living proof that its worth it!



Active Member
mpkl said:
Well, did you masterbate during your "healing" days?
Also i want to know for how many years you were watching porn (years, masturbation with porn per day)Thanks for helping us

No problem dude! And I decided not to during my "healing days". The urges were there, and sometimes they made me feel borderline insane, but I didn't want to set off a chain reaction leading back to the internet. And I started watching when I was in 8th grade up to my freshman year of college (plus a couple of relapses afterwards), so probably around 6 years. When I started, it wasn't too often, maybe once a week. But it turned into 1 or more everyday and became part of my daily routine, which probably was due to some stressful relationship issues I had and might've been the root of the issue. We tend to replace valuable things in our lives with PMO, which is what makes it so hard to get rid of. Hope this helps!
