Recent content by safa61947

  1. safa61947

    No more blunders

    Day 0 / 90 In chess, a "blunder" is when the player gives an advantage to the opponent without reason. For example, trading a queen for a bishop. Two days ago, Sunday 05/27 I wrote some deep shit in my notebook before sleep. Things like "I know I'm buying a lie but I don't know any better"...
  2. safa61947

    Do you think I should hang out with girls even if getting sexual is not my goal?

    I am rebooting from PMO for productivity reasons. I'm doing it for myself. I am 31 and much of my life, energy and time is already in the waste because of my addiction. I don't regret it, I enjoyed every second of it, this was a valuable experience to show me that this is not what I want from my...
  3. safa61947

    Diro's reboot journal

    My name is Diro, I'm 31, single. This is so embarrassing to put in words. At age of 12 I was told it was wrong to masturbate, at a church meeting. The child counselor said something about it being selfish and "girl's can't do it". Past evaluations told me that it being selfish is a matter of...