Recent content by ToBeOrNotToBe

  1. T

    Evaluation of my progress

    Hey guys, I've been rebooting for exactly one year now and I think some feedback and evaluation would help me. One year ago, I removed all porn from my life and abstained from masturbation but I did have sex once in a while for three months or so. Then, I turned to a hard reboot for five months...
  2. T

    Is this good rewiring?

    Hey guys, I'm almost 200 days into my reboot (no PMO, but last orgasm a little more than three months ago) because I couldn't get hard without stimulation. I have a girlfriend and she knows about everything. What we do in order to rewire my brain is cuddling, kissing and basically everything...
  3. T

    Can't quit masturbation

    Hey, I'm a 25 year old guy with PIED. I've already introduced myself in one of my other posts, so I'll cut a long story short: I've been suffering from PIED for quite some time meaning that I usually don't get hard without explicit stimulation. I stopped watching porn and masturbating approx...
  4. T

    160 days into reboot - Need some advice

    Hey all, Today is day 160 of my reboot. I started PMO'ing at the age of 14/15 (I don't remember exactly) and especially at that age, I'd watch porn every day. Now I'm 25 and I decided something had to change several months ago. My porn use wasn't as regular as when I was younger in the past...