Recent content by BigDog43

  1. BigDog43

    Curing PIED and PE to have a normal sex life with my wife

    Day 18 going strong no PMO. No P for 7.5 months. I find that the longer I go the easier it gets, which can be dangerous because I start having thoughts like, 'oh i have this beat'. I just don't think about it as much when this far in and I think I may even experience some mini flatlines, but...
  2. BigDog43

    Curing PIED and PE to have a normal sex life with my wife

    Day 16 No PMO Weird feeling like I was doing something wrong as I was christmas shopping for panties for my wife online. Felt like a slippery slope and on a bad day I could see that leading to a trigger. Really wish I could stop ogling beautiful women. Honestly don't get out a ton, but was...
  3. BigDog43

    Just blew it

    I'm saving this to listen to later. Most people wouldn't think it to look at me because I'm so tall I just look like a big guy, but I'm overweight and struggled most of my life with being at my target weight (never really obese just always like 20-40lbs over weight). I also binge drink to much...
  4. BigDog43

    First date

    I was just browsing the vocab section of this site and did not realize this was true. It said if you can get hard by your own hand, it's not PIED, it's performance anxiety. I never really thought about it that way but it makes sense. My advice is going to be a lot harder to do than it is for...
  5. BigDog43

    Curing PIED and PE to have a normal sex life with my wife

    No PMO day 10. 7 months no P. One of the things I do to stay focused is watching youtube videos on NoFap or Semen Retention or how bad porn is for you, etc. Works really well for me to sort of remind me of why I'm doing this, constantly reminding me of the benefits. Helps me from going down...
  6. BigDog43

    Just blew it

    Same here, I'm pretty new to the forum, but damn I keep seeing stuff that is all me. Pretty much every relapse I've ever had started this way. I'll go google her name and then eventually tag nude on the end of it. I've had to tell myself that even MO'ing to fully clothed women is just as bad...
  7. BigDog43

    Curing PIED and PE to have a normal sex life with my wife

    I really apologize for the long post. The words just started flowing as this is the first time I've sat down and thought about this problem as a whole and it's origins. I also sound like a terrible person as I reread it. I've obviously never shared this with anyone in my life. 44 year old...
  8. BigDog43

    PE after reboot

    How did you do it and how did it go? I almost did one time after experiencing PE with her, but just couldn't get the words to come out. Having a hard time finding a way to tell her something I never thought I'd ever have to tell anyone.
  9. BigDog43

    Do you ever stop seeing women as lust objects after successful reboot?

    I guess that's what keep the species going all these years!
  10. BigDog43

    So sick of big talk and no action

    I've always found the first couple days are the hardest, so you're in a good spot but don't let that slip you up thinking you got it beat. Find something else to put your energy in and avoid boredom at all cost. Exercise, new hobbies, etc. Thoughts will pop in your head and you will have to...
  11. BigDog43

    PE after reboot

    I needed to hear this, thanks.
  12. BigDog43

    Do you ever stop seeing women as lust objects after successful reboot?

    Great response, thank you. Conscious relaxation sounds a little bit like meditation, which I have really been meaning to add to my toolbox.
  13. BigDog43

    Do you ever stop seeing women as lust objects after successful reboot?

    I agree about checking out my wife, I just need to channel that energy properly. Instead of ogling I need to show her affection in a more constructive way.
  14. BigDog43

    Do you ever stop seeing women as lust objects after successful reboot?

    Going on 7 months nofap after 25 years addicted. I'm hoping this lopsided ratio means i just need more rebooting, but practically ever woman I see I'm checking and fighting back triggers. Even women that before I would not have found remotely attractive or given a second glance too. I realize...
  15. BigDog43

    Watching movies

    I had my one relapse after watching a sex scene in a movie after many months of NoFap, pretty crappy feeling afterwards. The answer might not always be the same, but for right now, I avoid like the plague. Maybe one day I'll be strong enough to handle it. You'll have to make that decision for...