Recent content by Doc

  1. Doc

    R - A Fresh Journal After Relapse

    Not a total fail but back to Square One - Day One.  That's how I started my post when I shook off the haze the other day and decided I needed to be back here amongst fellow addicts and supporters.    Here' s a link to that post : I just had...
  2. Doc

    Not a Total Fail But Back to Square 1 - Day 1

    Howdy Folks, It's been a good while since I've been here and I'd love to say it was from my amazing success in reboot.  I'd be lying like all hell though.  The fact is that I'm back to square one after falling off the wagon for the past year. in over 365 days....Not exactly a proud...
  3. Doc

    And...I start again with one step at a time...Damn

    Here I am again gang, I was originally here almost a year ago when I started my first journal.  (See this post for reference: )  As I progressed through being PMO free, I thought to myself "This isn't that difficult at all.  What the heck...
  4. Doc

    Never saw this coming..So here I am

    Well Folks, I'm on day 3 of reboot and had the first urge to dump it and just go surf porn.  I decided to come here and make a journal entry instead. Just to give some background: I'm a mid 40's professional.  I am married to the absolutely most perfect woman a man could ask for and have two...