Recent content by Chhow

  1. C

    Starting over to never have to start over again

    You had just a gorgeous result in 5 months, it's very cool! Remember that you could achieve such a result, and you can definitely repeat it and even improve it! I saw you broke down. Glad you have a therapist to walk this path with. I'm sure you will succeed! P.S. Really enjoy reading your diary!
  2. C

    Signs he is watching and lying about it?

    Often, if you think - then you do not think. Any addict who has snapped will deny it. He will look for excuses that he himself will believe. I do not know how to behave with such people, because they lie even to themselves. Another sign of relapse is the smell of semen in the air. I have a keen...
  3. C

    Looking to change my life

    I wish you good luck on this difficult journey! Indeed, this path is easier to overcome when you are with someone. Try to praise yourself for every day that you have gone without porn. You will succeed!
  4. C

    6 Months Clean: A (Partial) Success Story

    This story is truly inspiring! I am very happy for you, you have done a really great job on yourself