Recent content by Lost Druid

  1. Lost Druid

    Relapse question

    I have used. I know that counts as a relapse. But I have also "taken care" of myself using thoughts and photos of my wife. Do those instances count as relapse?
  2. Lost Druid

    Back again

    I was doing so good for so long. I fell off the wagon. I know what to do. Starting over sucks. I could try to justify this by saying it's because my sex life is in a low spot due to my wife's medications but that is just an excuse. I should be stronger than this. I sshoul be better than this...
  3. Lost Druid

    Rock Bottom

    I am a porn addict.... Here it goes, if I can't let it all out I'm never gonna get better.... My cycle always starts the same. I look at images. Then that's not enough so I move to videos, sooner or later that's not enough and I seek out people to sext with. My behavior has caused a huge rift in...