Recent content by Merghana

  1. Merghana

    Partner recovery options for non-christians?

    I'm sorry if this is answered elsewhere but I'm feeling too triggered tonight to really spend a lot of time searching through threads. My partner and I are not christian. All the books and websites I've found they all seem to be christian based though ("precious Daughter of God", "pray to your...
  2. Merghana

    Free monitoring apps?

    My husband has been using Covenant Eyes on his phone so everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is monitored 100%. So far it's worked great. He likes that he's held accountable and I like that I can see what's been happening. But I need to find something new, soon. Unfortunately Covenant Eyes cost us...
  3. Merghana

    What are the urges, really?

    I'm the partner of a porn addict who is trying to recover. I'm hurt and confused and trying really hard to understand everything that goes along with this. I don't have a problem with addictions (always been able to just stop anything that wasn't serving me well) so this is all foreign to me. I...
  4. Merghana

    Restricting your activities as well?

    I'm wondering how other partners handle this. My husband admits he has an addiction and is seeking help (though finding someone who actually handles this sort of problem is proving to be quite difficult locally). He has disconnected his computer, gives me the remotes and controllers at night to...
  5. Merghana

    Is he actually addicted?

    I hate being here, let me start with that. Though I'd imagine none of us are here because we WANT to be. When I first met my husband I knew he watched porn. He was single and young (we are an age gap relationship, he was 22 when I met him) and I didn't think much of it. I have no problems with...