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  1. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    Back again to day 0, March was a particularly horrible month in my life, I guess the fact that I'm no longer with the person I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with, kinda started getting real, I had a birthday, the first one as a single man in 10 years, and the plan was to go on a trip to...
  2. S

    Pride and joy

    Hey Buddy! I had just sent a response saying that we haven't heard from you today, I hope your day was good, I read that your wife wouldn't be home today, how did that go?
  3. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    Day 4 no PMO and smoke-free Today was a day with a lot of mixed feelings, I woke up very depressed not wanting to get out of bed, so I stayed in bed until like 2-3pm, I ordered food and ate watching tv, then somehow something changed and I started feeling a little better, I jumped to my...
  4. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    Hi there, thank you so much for your reply, yeah, the breakup has been tough, but I do try to take this as an opportunity to get to know myself again as an individual and not as a part of a relationship, it's been rough so far, but I take it one day at the time and try to stay positive. I think...
  5. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    Day 3. I broke up with my boyfriend last month and of course, he moved out, even though, I am convinced it was the right decision for the both of us, it's still very painful, we were together for a little over 10 years, and I love him so much, we just lost our chemistry, mostly my fault for the...
  6. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    So today I am feeling a lot of anxiety and cravings, everything is triggering me, I tried to distract myself in social media and every time I see someone remotely attractive, I feel the urge, I even started watching P y M but didn't O. LOL I stopped myself and ran here to post something. I...
  7. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    Hey buddy! thank you for your words, it's really incredible how much it helps to have someone on our corner, even when we have never met, you make a pretty good point, should we let ourselves have those negative feelings to find a constructive way of dealing with them? I mean right now...
  8. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    It's been 24 hours since my last PMO, and the amount of stress and anxiety I feel is exhausting, because on top of quitting porn, I still haven't been able to quit smoking, but it's already been 28 hours without smoking (I was smoking 35 cigarettes a day...), I am wearing nicotine patches which...
  9. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    So after almost two years, I am back, not many good news except for the fact that I have my HIV status under control, undetectable since Oct 2020, dealing with HIV was way harder than I thought, at times I felt like I was worthless because of the virus, sometimes I still feel like damaged goods...
  10. S

    Miserable due to porn addiction

    My dear friend Anon! it's been ages since the last time I messaged you, and I just read your reply to my last post, thank you so much for your empathy, I am very happy to know that you are getting your PhD, congratulations, keep working hard, you should be very proud of yourself! One day at the...
  11. S

    Broken beyond repair?

    Hi there, so I've tried to quit PMO for over two years now, and I don't know... I've started to feel like I may be broken beyond repair, I've started with porn way too early in my life, around the age of 9-10 and I haven't stopped since, I turned 30 this year, I've been in a committed...