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  1. B

    Day 47, why does everything still suck so bad

    Title, the cravings come back harder every time and while I've made it over two weeks further than ever before part of me still wants to give in, when will that part of me shut up for good? I don't have any of the positive changes described all over the place, but I certainly have all the...
  2. B

    Made a small mistake, didn't let it break me, kept moving forward

    Today I found some sexually stimulating imagery. I knew what I was doing when I kept searching to find the source of said imagery, and actively went for it. This is a mistake, and something I hope not to repeat in the future, but I'm glad I have learned from it. I found one image (on my phone...
  3. B

    Today marks my first month without porn, but...

    An entire month, I wouldn't have believed myself if I came out of a portal and told past-me that I could go for a week without porn, and here we are. The cravings are lessening, and when they do happen they're much more manageable. So why is it that I feel so disgustingly bad, worse than I was...
  4. B

    Do I have to quit porn forever after rebooting?

    I know it's probably a common question, especially amongst people who are desperately trying to justify watching porn (me, I'm about 2 weeks deep on my third attempt and it's starting to hurt real bad), but I've still got to ask. I know porn is almost definitely ruining me, but there's a tiny...