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  1. S

    To tell or not to tell?

    Hi all, When an individual does not admit that they have an addiction should they be left alone or is it wise to force their hand? If they cannot confide/discuss the issue with their SO is it wise to let a trusted friend approach them instead? Or this merely throwing a match on the fire?
  2. S

    When does an individual know?

    Hi all, I know my husband has an addiction to porn. Sadly he doesn't. He has So many symptoms (DE, reduced sensitivity, social anxiety to name a few)!I tell him I will support him reboot, anything it takes. But he says he doesn't have a problem. Until he accepts that porn is a problem we cannot...
  3. S

    Lack of sexual emotion - your thoughts please

    Hi all, I'm 37 years old & my husband 32. We've been married for nearly 1 year next month & we've been together for 3 & 1/2 years. When I met him he was open about his porn use, would make light of it & had a very casual attitude towards it. My previous partners had never been into porn, had...