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  1. F

    Finally happened.... The dreaded binge!!

    So after about 33 days I decided to MO. This then turned into MOing every other day which I thought was right..... Next thing I'm on a hangover watching porn every other hour, that lasted on and off for about a week, with me trying to find the right date to restart my reboot. So today it is...
  2. F

    Something interesting I've learnt so far.

    I was convinced that the majority of PMO withdrawal are due to not having an orgasm. However something I have come to realise is that even having that release, there are still very strong withdrawals just from the abstinence of porn alone. I hit the 12 day mark and because I was having constant...
  3. F

    Irritable beyond words

    Anyone else experienced this from withdrawal? It's stronger than what I've had from alcohol withdrawal, which is pretty bad... Like, everything just annoys me and I can't seem to be able to release it in any way... Would meditation help this? Does anyone know a good place to start? 
  4. F


    OK, So since I've been doing the Reboot I've avoided alcohol massively. For some reason, especially if I'm reallly hungover, I go into overdrive with PMO. I'm talking 7-10 times, a whole day in bed just constantly seeking a dopamine rush, each time seeking weirder and weirder porn. Obviously...
  5. F

    6 days in - Weird pains

    Anyone else had strange pains in the testicles? Feels like I've been kicked in the balls  :o .. Hoping this is a passing thing
  6. F

    24 hour water fast

    So for various reasons I'm having a day off the exercise and doing a 24 hour water fast. I've only got a few hours to go and must say that in terms of nofap, this has been the easiest day so far. I'm not sure if it's because my mind is being taken up by the constant thoughts of food rather than...
  7. F

    Phone sex/sexting/Picture sending etc

    So what's the deal with this, with a current partner. It's not going to help with my horniness, but I have that under control, wouldn't drive me to watch P or M. Just my girlfriend is implying the spark has gone a little, because I have been massively avoiding anything sexual with her (Long...
  8. F

    First week

    I'm sure this has been covered, but couldn't find it via searching. I was wondering if like withdrawing from most addictions, is the first week or so is the worst? My brain feels like the pattern of my routine is all messed up and it gives me anxiety. Keep feeling horny and then the shock hits...
  9. F

    Rebooting with a new girlfriend

    Hey all, great to find such a friendly site about a bit of an embarrassing issue. So I've literally just started a reboot at the very start of a semi-relationship (met twice, then spent about 3 months non stop on the phone etc). Due to Distance we've not had enough time to have sex, but I'm...