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  1. R

    My journal to freedom

    Day 19 Thank you all for the positive comments and suggestions on keeping one running thread instead of posting new everyday. This will be the running thread in which I will do all my posting from now on. Weird day today, started out well, but not long after lunch the irritability set in once...
  2. R

    Day 18 (evening post)

    I labeled this evening post because this is the normal time I have been posting, but I had to post this morning to recount the nightmare I had last night. Today has been a  mildly depressing day. I attribute the depression to withdrawal and accept it for what it is, signs that my reboot is...
  3. R

    Day 18

    Good morning nation, I usually do not post first thing in the morning but I had an experience last night that bothered me and I want to share it. Not long after I went to sleep I had only what I can call a sexual nightmare. First, let me explain that I rarely remember my dreams let alone even...
  4. R

    Day 17

    Day 17, everyday without PMO is a blessing to me. Just over the half way point to my first 30 days of freedom. I am stoked! Living with out PMO is a major lifestyle change to say the least. Each day I see a little improvement in my attitude, my awareness, and my outlook on life. Weird thing is I...
  5. R

    Day 16

    Today was a good day, no urges, no withdrawal symptoms, just a good day. I am so grateful for this site and the members here. I am on here through out the day when I can reading posts, replying where I can and just knowing it is here gives me confidence all day long. I know it will not always be...
  6. R

    Day 15

    Two weeks ago I couldn't imagine myself sitting at the computer typing on this site that it has been 15 days since I last PMO'ed.  To some on this site that might be  exactly what you are feeling right now. To others it is distance memory. Regardless of where you are right now, I want to...
  7. R

    Day 14

    I feel great about hitting the 14 day mark with no resets. What is happening now is depression is beginning to set in. It is going to be a difficult fight but I will prevail. We can do this!
  8. R

    Day 13

    Hello Everyone, I don't know where to where to begin. I have felt lost all day at work. Focusing hasn't been a problem but I have no motivation. Nothing sparks my interest. I am positive I am in flatline. This is so weird to feel this way. I have had several urges but they have quickly passed...
  9. R

    Day 12

    Today marks a major achievement for me.  I have spent the last 3 days working away from home, staying in a hotel, and today returned home having not once gone online to look for anything related to P or even M'ed. After 35+ years addicted I consider this a major goal accomplishment. I have...
  10. R

    Day 11

    Today was not what I expected.  I have been getting headaches at the base of my skull for the last couple of days.  Also some minor aches in my neck and back. I attribute these to withdrawal from no PMO. But today caught me off guard. I woke up early before the alarm. not unusual, showered had...
  11. R

    Day 10

    Day 10, its hard to believe but here I sit. Absolutely nothing for 10 days, Am I in flatline? I don't know and I don't care, I am at day 10 and looking forward to day 11.  My feelings for all porn related things has grown to a point that I find it hard to believe I have had this addiction for...
  12. R

    day 9

    Yesterday was a difficult day, maybe because I finally had a day off from work. I don't know but was antsy all day. Found plenty of things to keep me busy but still seemed weird. Today day 9, has been a good day for me. I am back to work with plenty to do and just feel good. I have to travel...
  13. R

    First week of freedom

    Hello everyone, very glad to have found this forum. Today is number 7 for me, I wish I had found it this site earlier but believe this is where I need to be.  I enjoy reading everyones input and stories. I hope I will be able to share some of my own and hopefully help others along the way.