Just a question on where I'm at today


Hey Guys,
It has been about 22 days since I started on Reboot. I made it the first 6 days, then MO. Made it another 6 days then PMO. Learning my triggers are stress from work. I am now on day 6 and want to make it to day 7 - tomorrow. I've been woken from sleep with strong erections and sometimes find myself stroking but then stop when I realize what is going on, then roll over and try to go back to sleep. Anyone else experience this? My wife's told me she has seen me do this before and I was asleep.

I've been married for 30 years but for the last 7 years my wife has not wanted sex at all. She says she is just not interested in sex anymore. Anyone else in the same situation? Any recommendations? Being PMO free does not mean I will be able to have intimacy with my wife, then what? Thoughts?



Hey Work-in-progress--

I'm not sure what to tell you on the first point. But as for the second point: Your wife might be going through menopause, right? It's certainly possible that her lack of interest just has nothing to with your use of porn. I think your chances of finding a way of rekindling your sex life with your wife are a lot better if you're not using porn.


Active Member
From experience of two failed marriages, while it is possible that she has "lost interest" due to her own reasons, it is very likely it is related to your PMO.  She knows, don't kid yourself.  And it probably hurts her and makes her feel sexually inadequate.  I would suggest marital counseling and when there come clean about your habit and your desire to stop.  It may just save your marriage.  In the meantime I would suggest lots and lots of non-sexual touch.  Or semi-sexual touch.  Depending on how bad things are, start with holding her hand while you take a walk.  If it is better than that, come up behind her and hug her while she does the dishes (then do the dishes :)).  If she cries when you do this, she wants you back and misses you.  Go to counseling.  If she tenses up and shrugs you off, it may be too late, but go to counseling anyway. 

Just my humble thoughts, YMMV.

Peace and stay strong!