Making it happen


New Member
The most troubling part of my story is that just about 2 years ago I was completely cured of PIED.  After initially struggling to have sex with my then girlfriend, I had reached a point where I was completely, 100%, all the time sexually functional.  And let me tell you, for anyone who has not been there, it is an amazing feeling.  But when we broke up (I broke up with her for a variety of reasons), I quickly fell back into the trap of porn.  I am now 21 years old and have been addicted to porn since I first discovered it about 8 years ago.  I am desperate for a change, and have finally decided that enough is enough.  I'm in the prime of my life, I am a great athlete, pretty good looking, and have a wide range of careers available to me in the coming year.  I don't care what it takes, I am 100% in on quitting this addiction and getting my life back.  Best of luck to all my brothers out there fighting with me, this is a battle we have to win and we will.


Active Member
Hey there dunkonit! Sad to hear about your break up leading you back into that porn trap, but you're here now and that's what truly matters! You've decided to change, that enough is enough as you put it! Living a life of no PMO until one has truly recovered and healed from the damage the addiction has caused is not going to be an easy thing, but the end result, a life free from porn... it will be worth it! Have you checked out some of the stickied threads or Gabe's videos yet? They're a great place to start!

Get educated and then get ready to do battle, you can beat this!