Working from the ground up


Active Member
You filthy slut. :p Nah. Just kidding. We're young. If we can enjoy ourselves, we should.

Haven't read any of the graphic novels, but I'm sure I'd enjoy them. Haha. I was warned against starting on graphic novels by a former addict.


Haha it's not entirely untrue. I'd definitely recommend the Scott Pilgrim books if you have any interest in them though. One of the themes of the series is learning from past mistakes and not letting your past control you, which I can really sympathize with, what with the PIED and reboot and whatnot. There's a movie based on the series too, so if you are interested then you can check that out first. The series wasn't finished when the shooting for the movie was done though, so the last couple books are fairly different from the movie, and the ending is completely different. They're both really good though IMO.

Not much to say reboot-wise. Had a blast at the convention this weekend. I'll hit the two month mark on PMO by the end of this week too, which is awesome.


Hit 60 days for PMO and 30 days for P. Had a pretty good week I guess. Went and saw a comedy tour on Saturday, which was pretty sweet.


Looked at P on Sunday. Didn't MO though, so I guess there's that. Coming up on my first goal of 90 days pretty soon. Been feeling pretty shitty recently. Think I might be depressed. Think I'm gonna cut back on drinking. I don't really drink too often, usually only once a week, but when I do drink, I usually drink a lot. I think it might be affecting my mood. Also, shaved my head on Tuesday, just because.


Well, I guess technically I hit 3 months for PMO. Early last week, I tried to masturbate without porn or fantasy, and I was able to attain an erection. It took longer than I think it should, and it wasn't as hard as it could be, but it was the first time that I was able to get an erection just through masturbation with no porn or fantasy, so I can already see an improvement, which made me feel a lot better than I had the week before. However, I my mood started to drop again, and I wound up looking at porn and eventually ended up edging. So while technically I hit 3 months no PMO, I still relapsed (which I why I have two counters). I'm currently feeling kinda eh: not as good as I did early last week, but not as bad as the week prior. I do think that my masturbating without porn may have caused a dopamine spike that led to my edging though, or something along those lines, so I don't think I'll relapse again, especially since I've now seen some physical progress.


It's been over a month since my last update. October has been really rough reboot-wise. PMO'd pretty much weekly throughout the entire month. I haven't really been depressed like I was in September, but I'm sure that's because I was feeling depressed due to withdrawal. It really sucks and feels pretty strange, because I feel like I should feel a lot worse about my relapse. I certainly don't feel good about it, but I don't feel near as crappy as I did when I was actually doing well with my reboot. I guess I feel really crappy about it mentally, but not emotionally, so it's kinda throwing me off. Anyway, I think I'm gonna start trying extra hard to stay on track now, especially since I experienced some withdrawal, which makes my addiction feel like a greater pressing issue that I need to work through. I guess because I've been having such a rough time lately, I'm gonna just focus on making it through next weekend. Take things one step at a time. Also, I removed one of my counters so I only have one now, because I feel that having two allowed me to rationalize viewing porn, since I didn't actually PMO.


Man just read your post. It painful everytime I get to a relapse comment. Next time you go to do that try telling yourself that you'll have the ED for a minimum of 3 months again after each weakness since thats the length PMO free you reached! You got so close dude. I don't know how you can look at porn again after you know it's basically robbing your manhood?? That's the thought that keeps me permanently away from it, but god that counter still moves slow regardless.

I'm just reaching the end of my first month but am hoping so so much that I'm one of the lucky ones that only takes two months to reboot. Probs going to be way longer though... f*ck this.

Btw what are the conventions you go to they sound like a good way of meeting girls lol. Also man consider how much you drink at social things, maybs you got a social anxiety that you subconsciously handle with the grog. I only say this because I'm realising that I have always been doing that too as a kind of way out of taking a girl home. I'm tossing up going stone sober as part of my reboot process.


Yeah, it sucks that I relapsed when I was so far into it. Though honestly I'm not sure how well I was actually doing, since near the end before I relapsed, I was somewhat consistently looking at porn without PMO'ing, and eventually I started edging some too, and at one point I just thought, "Fuck it, I'm getting nowhere like this" and decided to just go all the way and PMO, which resulted in a month or so of PMO'ing. I guess it is nice to start again fresh without separating PMO'ing and just viewing porn, since now I can't rationalize it with "Well I didn't MO so I'm still in the clear". Anyway, I'm at a week for no P/PMO. Started lifting heavy again this past week too; for the past maybe two months, I've only been doing some curls and shoulder presses and stuff with dumbbells at home, and now I'm going to a gym and benching, squatting, etc. There was honestly no reason for me not to go before either, since my workplace has a free gym.

The conventions I go to are anime conventions. They're a ton of fun, and a good number of the people that attend aren't really a stereotype of what you'd expect an anime convention attendee to be like. They also have a bunch of non-anime related things; videogames stuff is almost as prevalent as anime stuff, there's always a bunch of Doctor Who fans, some Game of Thrones cosplayers, etc. As for meeting girls, they can be good I guess. Kinda depends on what you're looking for. It's not too hard to find a woman to just mess around with for the night, but they're usually not too great for long-term stuff, since since in my experience it's pretty unlikely that you'll meet anyone that lives within a reasonable distance of you. The only reason I was able to meet two girls that I saw consistently was there's a relatively smaller convention that takes place about 10-15 minutes from where I live. I think the convention next closest to me is about 2 1/2 hours away. I actually just attended a convention this past weekend, which was a blast. Wound up messing around with a girl Friday night too.

As for drinking, I wouldn't say it's a social anxiety thing. I am fairly shy around people I don't know, and a few drinks does help me loosen up, but I usually only drink in situations in which other people are also drinking. I just sometimes don't know when to stop drinking, or I'll drink more too quickly before I feel the effects of my previous drinks.

Oh, and I'm not seeing C anymore. Long story short, in late September we were hanging out along with a couple of other people, she got shitfaced and started acting like a huge dick, and I just got fed up with her shit. I ran into her at the convention this past weekend, and we were civil enough to each other, but other than that I haven't spoken to her since.

Also, congrats on reaching one month!