About to go to college, time to stop reliance on porn


So I am about to turn 19, and I am about to go to college so I decided that I need to quit porn. I (initially) wanted to quit because I knew I'd have a room mate, and I also think that masturbation has weakened my PC muscles and/or enlarged my prostate and has been causing me to need to go to the bathroom at night (whereas I won't have a bathroom in my room in college). So I decided to quit.

Here's my story (Warning: Possible Triggers)
I had a bed-wetting problem from the time I was 8 until I was 14 and a half. This hurt my confidence big time as a kid, but I was a gymnast and was ripped as hell until 13, so that helped. Okay, so after I stopped having that problem, I soon encountered another problem. The summer of my 15th birthday, I started having "white dreams" every few nights. This completely freaked me out because I had no idea that it was possible to ejaculate in your sleep. I had never masturbated before cause all the douche bags in middle school did that and so I didn't want to be like them. So I did some research on "white dreams" and I found out that if I masturbated semi-regularly they would stop. You can say I was a late bloomer, cause I also never really had much of a sex drive either.
(Skip this paragraph to avoid triggers)
So I started off with still images of girls in bikinis, using the Sports Illustrated Bikini website. I began to look at other bikini websites as well. (this was all in time that I was home alone because of using a family computer). I then started looking at stripteases on youtube and break.com, and eventually I found playboy.com. This was funny because at first, looking at naked, or even just topless girls made me feel sick to my stomach. However, I started to find it attractive. Eventually I started watching lesbian porn, because looking at penises made me feel disgusting and sick. I started masturbating more regularly, every time I had a few minutes of being home alone. I started also watching porn when my family was home, but in the "den" where nobody but me regularly went. I currently (up until I quit) would really only watch lesbian porn and "Massage" porn up to the point where they actually have sex. Sometimes I did watch when they had sex just cause I liked seeing the girls tits or ass bounce, but it felt weird/like a pervert.

This has continued to current times. Except that 2.5 years ago I got a tablet and so I was able to watch porn more regularly because I could do it while I was sitting on the couch and watching tv. I also got a computer during last fall and I think I started watching porn even more regularly. And I almost always PMO when I watch porn. I began to PMO when I was bored, "just because," and also when I was stressed. Though it never really seem to help a whole lot.

I have tried to quit several times, just because it was against my morals, but always come back for one reason or another. But now that I am so close to college I have a real, substantive reason that I NEED to quit because of. I began doing research on "how to quit porn" and stuff and I found the Ted talk by Gary Wilson "The Great Porn Experiment" and realized I was addicted to porn. I recently went on a 10 day trip to London, and every day when my family got back to our hotel, I went in the other room cause I HAD to watch porn (even though I didn't PMO, I just watched it). This didn't seem weird to me at the time, but now I realize I was addicted to porn. I have been looking at other videos, like Gabe Deem's video and other blogs. I now feel educated and am watching "The Great Porn Experiment" every day to keep motivated/continue to stay educated, and also to add a "scare" factor to porn.

I think that porn had a lot more of a mental effect on me than I realized. I am pretty sure it is the cause of me recently becoming embarrassed at things I used to not be embarrassed over, and I also began not being able to control my emotions very well either.

However, I am having a problem that I have had a few other times when I tried to quit. I am having "white dreams" again. In the four nights since I haven't PMO'd I have had a "white dream" twice. Normally this is a cause for me to go back to PMO, however I now have a lot more reason and will power to not go back. I am hoping that because I am not an extreme addict, that this is a habit that my body has and that it will go away naturally on its own. The scary part is that last night, my white dream happened during a "porn fantasy" dream that I have occasionally.

I am currently 4 days in to no porn/no PMO and am going to continue forever. I hope it cures me of all of my problems and allows me to have a successful life.


7 Days in! I am still having problems with wet dreams. I have had 4 wet dreams in the seven nights since I quit PMO. I am hoping I don't have one on Monday because I have orientation that night :0

It is hard for me to keep away from the temptation, but I am finding it easy to resist it.


Don't worry about the wet dreams, dude.  Enjoy them.  Why are you worried about them?  When I was your age I had them all the time also.  You are not addicted to wet dreams!  You do need to get off the porn.  I have been addicted for years and am (for the last three weeks) really working at getting clean.

I am married and porn has really fucked up my sex life with my wife.  I need to come clean.

You might go to You Tube and search Sean Stewart.  He has helped me a lot.

Good luck.


So I've made it over 2 weeks!!! I am very proud of my determination in this goal and my ability to stay focused. I have been continuing to stay educated and practicing deep breathing exercises when I start thinking sexual or anything, which I plan on doing for my whole reboot (probably the next 2 months) but I'm gonna definitely try to meet lots of girls in college. I am also doing deep breathing exercises throughout the day when I start to feel my heart rate increasing because arousal arises from arousal.

I had a test today with my PMO reboot. I was with a friend and he suggested we watch "The Wolf of Wall Street" which I knew had a lot of sex/naked women. I didn't want to say anything to my friend about my problem, so I decided I would use it as a test. I tried to maintain slow/deep breathing throughout the movie, especially when there was sex/girls. I am proud to say I never got any arousal/excitement during the movie except once I got a slight chub because it was a scene where the wife was teasing Leo DiCaprio but you couldn't see anything, so it was really just arousal from fantasy, so I don't know if that hurt me or not.  But I am proud to say I never got any arousal other than that.

I think I was in a flatline for the first 9 days or so, but my "member" has started to be more relaxed for the last several days and I am hoping a sex drive will come soon. I don't think I had PIED to real girls, but I did to just sensation of my own hand so I think my physical reboot will not be as long as some. But my mental reboot might take longer than my physical reboot. I also have not had a wet dream in the last 6 nights, and so I think I am making progress there as my body gets used to no MO at all!

If anyone reads this I appreciate it and would love your support (and if you are religious we can pray for eachother, because I am christian/Catholic)!!!

Good luck to everyone else going through this same thing as me and I know you can do it if I can, especially with as much time I have home alone/private!


It's now been 26 days!!! Almost a third of the way there! I have been doing well to try and end the addiction. It is still hard to avoid thoughts of porn and flashbacks (because of or without triggers), but I am holding strong! My sex drive is coming back, so I feel like I am at that point where it is gonna be hardest to keep going, but I just need to keep trucking. I really wish I had a good friend or family member I could tell about this, but unfortunately I do not :(

I hope all of you guys are holding strong and keep your motivation high! And remember arousal leads to excitement, so my deep breathing to slow down heart rate has helped me avoid bad thoughts!


Day 34 check in. I am starting to feel confident that I wont go back to porn ever again. Some of the side effects I used to have are pretty much gone (I used to get really red in the face randomly and when I was embarrassed, for the last year or so). My personal confidence seems to be improving but it is definitely not back to normal yet, I will love when it does. I just need to keep pushing my comfort zone and get my mind right. 10 days till college! I'm so excited!


Active Member
Hi Tin man

I have read through your journal. Glad to see that you are keeping strong in your decision to beat the PMO beast!

You are doing very well 2/3 down the road to 90 days. BUT IT SHOULD NOT STOP THERE!!! You must see the 90 days as the first 90 days to a life without PMO!

You are lucky enough to still be young, more than ? my age, if I knew about no PMO and the benefits from abstaining from it my life could be so much better in a lot of ways. But if I just take the sex aspect from this equation. The total newness that sex has become in the mere past almost 130 days for me is so much better than it has been for all of my life prior to my reboot.

I really wish I had a good friend or family member I could tell about this, but unfortunately I do not :(

I know the feeling, trust me. Although the wife knows about all that happened, I still can not really talk to her and speak what is on my mind.
This is where the Reboot Nation and fellow rebooters comes in handy. Reading the posts of them and journaling helps to fill the need to talk to others.
So feel free to keep on posting.

Stay strong and be Blessed!

PS. What are you studying, out of interest sake?


Fuck. Was really horny and PMO'd. Only used porn for less than 5 minutes but it still counts. Ugh. Definitely wouldn't say I relapsed though. I just  needed to get off. I've definitely seen a difference in myself since I rebooted and I'm not gonna let all those positive effects go away. Honestly, I felt more disgusted watching porn than I felt turned on so I know I won't relapse.


Active Member
Take the lessons learned from this experience and apply them to your learning, motivation and decision making in helping you to beat this devil in your life.

Stay strong and receive the Blessing!