SelfControl app for fighting porn addiction

Im new to this site, so I apologize if this thread already exists but I wanted to share something that has helped me a lot....

Does anyone use SelfControl for porn addiction? If not, it's a wonderful tool to prevent you from relapsing. If you don't know what it is, SelfControl allows you to block sites for a specific period of time. Usually the time block only goes up to 24 hours, BUT there are ways to edit the block intervals and increase the max block time to whatever you want. In my attempt to rid my life of porn forever, I added almost every site I could think of to SelfControl and edited the max block interval to six months!

Obviously there are ways to get around SelfControl... like googling images etc., but it's a great tool. Just be careful because it blocks all sites that run on the same server.... So, for example, if you block (not a real URL) get ready to not have google at all...

Thought I would share. And again, sorry if this already exists.

FAQ section which discusses editing the max intervals:

Good luck