22 yrs old, PIED, ready to SUCCEED


Been watching porn since i was about 13 yrs old, realized I had ED when i was in my past relationship about a year ago. Found out about YBR back in December, ever since the new year started ive been putting in effort to stop PMO. Ive manage to go about 35 days no PMO then i relapsed, since then ive still been trying to stop the PMO with relapses about every week or 2, sometimes even manage to go a little longer. It's been a battle but im not giving up!! Came to this website to gain more support from anybody who is willing. I'm ready to change my life for the better, I know it wont be easy but nothing good comes easy!! Appreciate any feedback and help.


Nice to meet you. I just joined and created a journal a week ago because I figured it'll make it easier to stay on track and overcome urges. Hopefully we can both overcome our PIED


Well-Known Member
Welcome on board mate and good luck in your challenge!
@heroack: Porn Induced Erectile Dysfuntion.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. Just bought myself a personal journal from the bookstore, will be writing in it every night, it will be a good way to let out anything and everything i am going through and feeling daily.
Looking forward to putting in more focus on bettering myself. I started reading more often, i want to gain as much knowledge as possible.

I'm looking for an accountability partner if anybody is interested? I feel this journey will be a lot easier with a partner in support. let me know!! we'll get through this shit!!


Just giving a little update on how i am doing. Didn't realize its already been 9 days since i last pmo'd. I'm not trying to really keep track on how many days i am going because this is a decision i made to change my life, not an (x) amount of days. but i do believe it is good to look at the tracker every now and then to see how far you've come along and stay motivated.  Been having urges here and there but im doing well with shifting my thoughts and focus on something else. And I always remind myself why i am doing this and how i want this change in my life. Been having kind of a hard time sleeping these past few nights, when i used to have nights like that i would usually go downstairs and get on my computer looking at random things which eventually led to looking at porn. Not anymore though, if i am feeling sleepless or bored i am not gonna depend on random bullshit i see on the internet. Started a new book so thats been a good and positive thing to stay occupied. Been staying pretty occupied during my days aswell, when im not working I like to go workout, i also like to skateboard.  I just recently started boxing about 5 months ago so im really liking that. All in all my reboot so far has been going pretty well, i know i will have more hard nights or days coming along but nothing good comes easy. I will conquer this and make this good change in my life, i am young now and wont be forever so this change needs to be made.


Hey man, great to hear you're making progress. With the sleepless nights, I recommend cutting out any time on your laptop or watching TV in the 1 hour before you go to bed. Instead: read a book, do a light workout, (pushups, plank, bodyweight squats or stretches), talk with your family/flatmates, phone a friend and catchup. Doing these things helps your mind to prepare for sleep (anecdotal: they are what help me). Plus I find they remove the opportunity for my mind to wander to thoughts of PMO. Also with the light workout, it might make you more tired :p.



Been awhile since ive last posted on here but basically long story short, i ended up relapsing and been struggling pretty bad this past month. Been feeling very frustrated, angry, depressed, etc. But I will not give up!! This is a battle that i will win!!
One major step I did was tell my family, man it was pretty damn hard to finally tell them about my problem. But i actually told them and theyre all supportive of me and will do what it takes to help me on this journey. I feel itll be a huge benefit knowing i have support from my loved ones. One other change I did was i bought myself and alarm clock, and every night that i get home and get ready for sleep i turn off my phone and give it to my dad and he hides it away from me so i cant have access to it through the night. That was one of my main problems was that i would be on my phone too much at bedtime and that was what was leading me to watching porn. It was a main trigger for me, so i had to remove that trigger. No more phone or computer at night, been reading books or just try to meditate before i go to sleep to calm my mind and end up falling asleep. Im going to do whatever it takes to get through this.
Any feedback is appreciated, and has anybody else told there family about this? and how has it helped


Well-Known Member
Wow congratulations on telling about your problem to your familly, I'm sure it wasn't easy to do it. In my case nobody outside this forum knows about my addiction to porn. If I did, I would probably embellish the reality a bit not explaining the deeper reasons why I started it all but just saying that I'm just sick of thinking about porn when I'm having sex and don't make it look like it's a big deal. By the way, in my friends circle, I know they all watch porn at different levels and I don't want to start a debate about it and I don't feel like explaining my reasons and choices to them etc. If I ever do tell about it to my friends, it will only be when I can tell with 100% of certitude than I'm cured and fully rebooted and proud of all the benefits I gained.


Yeah i see what you're saying man. I know for sure all my friends look at porn, and i don't really feel i need to tell them about my addiction at the moment. Like you said ill probly wait when I have been rebooted and seen good results to let them know about my decision. As for now, my family just knows, and they have been doing a good job on keeping me in check.
The hardest part for me on this reboot is when i get home from work, i get home at about midnight, im exhausted and my mind is fatigued, and thats when I would sit on my computer and view porn. But now i just wash up and go straight to my room and read a book or just relax until i fall alseep. My mind is so used to PMOing when i get home from work and im still getting the urges, and thats the part i have to fight through, especially this early on in my reboot. I just have to keep pushing on and i know itll get better in time.


I ended up relapsing last night...
Went out with some friends and drank a little more than what I wanted to. I'm not a big drinker but kinda went all out last night because it's the last weekend before I begin school again.
I got home pretty late, all my family was asleep, and immediately started thinking about looking at porn, being drunk didn't help at all as to I didn't even fight the urge and I just PMOd care free.
I'm pretty disappointed in myself and feel like shit. This is the hardest part for me is being so early on In the reboot, I'm still thinking about PMO frequently as well as getting urges. I'm so frustrated and sick of this, but like I said before I well not give up!!
Looking forward to starting school again, I'm going fulltime this semester for the first time so that'll be my main focus, as well as working and boxing/working out on the side. So I know I'll have a pretty busy schedule to keep me occupied and have my mind away from PMO.
I am also going to post on here more often to stay motivated as well as motivate others.
Thank you to everyone who has gave me feedback and advice


Active Member
I'm about 40 days in, and this is what has helped me succeed:

  • Install adult filters on all computers/mobile devices (I use K9 and Anti-Porn Pro for Chrome)
  • Keep yourself busy out of the house, at least early on in the reboot (I went to comedy clubs a lot when I first started)
  • Take freezing cold showers every day (it sucks, but instills you with the feeling that you can do anything, regardless of how much it sucks)
  • Promise yourself that the only sexual activity you'll have will be with another flesh and blood person and hold yourself to it
  • Take up hobbies that make you feel complete (I've started working on my book and trying to make time for drumming)
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise (if you feel good about how you look, you'll feel more confident in life, and especially in pursuing relationships, which will make PMO obsolete)
  • Get a new wardrobe (ditto above, especially if your body composition has changed and you don't like how you look in anything you own)
  • Avoid alcohol IF it's a trigger (I've pretty much taken to drinking in public exclusively, so have time to sober up before I get home... but for some people the hangover is the trigger)
  • Allow yourself to be confident with women (feel like you can get them, not that you have to MO while fantasizing about them)
  • Read The Hedonism Handbook (it's horrible writing, but it did teach me a lot about living life, so I can't really knock it)
  • Post at least daily, if not twice daily, in your journal (once you get a solid streak, it's likely you'll fill your life with so many awesome things that you simply don't have time, but you should still make the effort)

I'm sure there's more, but those are the big ones.


thank you for the advice, really appreciate it. Yeah im going to install those no-porn filters on my computer, as well as my phone. I feel itll help a alot because i always end up getting curious and search for porn.
I do have a question based off past experience. I remember when I had sex with my past ex gf about last year (the time i realized i was having ED problems) that when I was penetrating it was barely enough to even grip my penis, I have heard of the 'death grip" when masturbating, and im not too sure if i was doing that or not, when i would masturbate i wouldnt use lotion but i didnt grip my penis really hard either. Idk its just something that concerned me,after the reboot will it be back to normal as to where having real sex is enough to grip my penis normally.


Active Member
Part of the reason I never enjoyed sex was because the grip wasn't strong enough.  It'll be interesting to see how it is post-PMO.


Yes I remeber having Sex and hardly being able to feel anything, it wasn't very enjoyable.
I'm going to keep a Positive mind and say it'll all be better once we are rebooted.
Ready to make this change for the better, I know it's not going to be easy, only thing I fear it's fear itself, and in this case it's the fear of relapsing again which in turn causes me to actually relapse, which is the battle I've been trying to win this whole past year. I just have to keep the end in mind and realize no matter how long this may take it'll all be worth it. Gotta push through the days of hell.


Long story short I was on my computer and home alone, gave in to temptation. As soon as I did that I downloaded at that porn blocker add on. So no more even trying to look at it. Like I said before I'm early on in the reboot and it's hard to not give in, I keep having that 'oh I'll start tomorrow' attitude, which I am sick of because it has gotten me nowhere!! I'm ready to ditch that, I have to make this change now. I remember reading on somebodies success story that you have to tell yourself and let yourself understand that porn is no longer an option , with that being said I should be able to go on the computer, phone, etc... without even thinking about porn. Ease said than done but it's  possible, really have to focus on where my thoughts are and eliminating the negative ones.
I plan on majoring in psychology and actually had a discussion with my professor about the power of NOW. As people we always have worries about the future and the past and it distracts us from the present. I know I've had trouble thinking about my past and how I've failed multiple times, and also the future and worried about failure. But I'm ready to make the change, to focus on the NOW. The mind is like a muscle and it's like you have to exercise it. Have to change your thought process and outlook, and it's possible through EFFORT.


Active Member
using what I call Ulysses protocols is good, especially if you don t trust yourself enough. I call it Ulysses protocol in reference to the episode of the sirens. Ulysses and his men are going to pass by with their ship an island where there are sirens. Their voices and songs are so appealing and magic, that ships crash to their shores and men die or remain trapped there forever.

So Ulysses asks his men to put wax in their ears so that they won t hear the sirens. But he wants to hear them, cause he know they are fabulous, but he doesn't want to end up being trapped, and he knows he will cave in. So he sets himself up, he sets his futur self up. He ask his men to tie him to the mast and forbid them to release him under any circumstances. ^^

Regarding the death grip, I think it s quite real. Till I was like 24, i remember having awesome sex with my partners, plus as a teenager and afterwards, I almost never masturbated with my hand, but by rubbings against pillows. I only started with my hand when relying heavily on porn. I ve also read that one of the consequences is less sensitivity in the penis, so the combination must be devastating.

I don t worry that much about it, after more than 2 weeks with no PMO and almost a week with no MO, i ve already got the feeling that sensation are getting stronger. When i wake up with a boner, if my dick barely touches the sheets, it gives me already a lot of pleasure.

Last thing: I don't believe in free will . I know it seems " stupid " especially when one is trying to swing his life in the right direction etc but if you pay attention to neurology, you really start to see that what we call free will is BS.
We are the product of our circumstances, environnement, events in our lives etc. We are the authors of our actions, but we don't decide, it s not because you know what you are doing that you actually decided to do so.

How is this helping ? Well stop beating yourself up for you relapses, there were probably suppose to happen. Your life and your circumstances made that maybe you need to rockbottom before you can beat that addiction.

Now you ve got the experience, the guilt, the suffering, the support of your family, the goal, the solution, the tools, this community, etc, these are your circumstances now, these are the factors that will make your decisions ( unfortunately urges, past registered behaviors are also part of the equation ) .

What were our circumstances before ? Denial, pleasure, ignorance, no goals but our next dopamine boost, etc. Bottom line, this is a process, and you are now, way stronger than before and you will eventually prevail because now, you are really tired of this shit ^^

Strenght and resilience !

Have a great day



Thank you for all that Eidan, really like that story about Ulysses.
I remember when i was PMO free for 3 weeks and i started MO'ing again, the sensitivity was more than I had felt when i was still PMO'ing often. So I can imagine how it would be after no PMO at all for a long period of time, thats my goal to reach!!
And I see a point in what you are saying on the free will. We are exactly where we are supposed to be, i would have not been here had I not failed so many times in  the past and etc...