New here need help


Hi I'm new here,im so happy I actually have found a web site like this. Im 23 years old and my story is that i havent had any problems at 21 so i got in an unhealthy relationship which when i got depressed lead me to over masturbating .Later on ,that wasnt enough to get my up so i kept doing it while watching porn...i have notice after a year that when i end up with a real woman I ejaculate within 10sec which is really sad and upsetting,then my masturbating habit gone worse,and while real intercourse with a woman since then i couldnt maintain my errection or they gone weaker,drop down while having sex. i stopped watching porn and masturbating to try not to reach an orgasm and tried to beat my PE which i made it. So i was ejaculating in less than 10sec and for two months while practicing i could go up to 10min ,i liked the results of my routine and i got greedy, I tried to beat those 10min also and then i started masturbating way more up to an unhealthy level so while intercourse my penis would drop and that would ruin everything. Now i have a girl and im living with her,i wonna stop masturbating so i could maintain my erections. so i need some advice and MORAL support by people who are  the same boat as me. I been thinking im so healthy and i never had problems this kind before so the way i caused this problems to myself there must be the way to get outta here :( . My addiction is not porn i can give it up so easy but masturbation is a real problem. Doing this program how long it will take me to reboot my brain,and how soon i will start to experience hard erections more often. When i dont masturbate for two days i really do experience a hard erection . I just need some hope i will get over this addiction some advice and personal experiences by other members that could help me ,i just wonna hear other people and ask questions


Hi man - I'm new here today also! Spent alot of time reading and has been a massive help already! We will get through this together - keep posting - think it gets worse before it gets better - but it's worth it I'm sure!


Great :) I REALLY WONNA STOP MASTURBATING FOR NO REASONS. My penis feels so tired because I do it every single day few times , then when I leave the house I'm thinking no matter how hot a girl can be in front of me I would look but my penis would not give any sings of life. I do get hard often when I'm with my girl I do want sex all the time but I want to get stronger erections or morning wood. I haven't mastubated fpr one day and I got a morning wood around 60% and that day I failed I masturbated, next day I faild again I masturbated. So I really have decided not to do it anymore til I finish with my rebooting then I think masturbation is healthy if its done once in two weeks. My only issue I'm living with my has to happen I can't say no to her too much . I remember before I haven't masturbated for a week to 10days I felt better in any way strong erections and everything then had sex amd it was so good and afterwards i felt my penis is in a better condition after I think having sex is ok but not too much don't force if you are really not into it.


Today when I failed again I felt so bad, frustrated,  thinking about negative stuff couldn't stop, couldn't focus on work was tough I will keep updating each day. So day 0 was tough


Active Member
Hi there you two. Welcome to the site.
Let me tell you from the start that is will be no easy journey but one with a result. I have already started my second reboot after a success of 14 days and I hope to continue.

What I did:
got one of these to keep me checked:

Then I blocked my porn access with Browser plugins (FF: Meta Cert, Porn Blocker etc.)
If overmasturbation generally is the problem you could find some sort of routine that can prevent you doing it. Whenever I feel the urge to masturbate or worse, to watch porn, I do a quick workout (10pushups/20situps/10pullups) and the blood rushes to the parts needed not the parts wanted.

But the most important advice I can give you is: be sicere to yourself. It is not the end if you relapse but you always have to start anew. So keep on walking, make a plan on how you will fight your addiction and stick to it. Of course the more informed you are the better. It however is a fight betwee yourself and you that you have to manage. Nobody is going to check on everything you do - nobody can that is - but yourself. So honesty to yourself is the most important thing.

1. find the problem and analyze it
2. elaborate proper counter mechanisms
3. set goaly that you can reach
4. accept that failure is part of the process of recovery
5. work to finally not see porn as the enemy but as something you don't care about - indifference is my personal goal regarding porn.

I hope I could give some useful advice. Keep us posted!


Thank you Vincent you said it all loud and clear... few question for you, you said you just started your second did the first time help you? Stronger erections? How  long did it take? Thank you so much


Active Member
well, to be frank: it halped, yes. Although I have to admit a fail after 14 days and had to start after a relapse I can say that It helped in a motivational way. The fist two weeks were pretty easy and I already could see some results. I got erections without porn when I wanted, just by touching myself without any fantasy. But the relapse was bad. I felt miserable. And this is my motivation to keep it going. I will increasy my bar, setting the goal higher. after 14 it's going to be 17 Days now. After that 21, then 30. And so on. Until it simply became normal not to masturbate to porn and having more sex than masturabting. Of course this is easier said than done but keep going regardless of your fails. It will take longer with every fail - especially to cure you mentally - but it will work out (probably and hopefully) as long as the main goal is to be honest with oneself and keeping in mind what is at stake here.
You guys started eary, thats a good thing.
Keep us informed and be sure to get every help you ask for here.