I'm new here, in desperate need of help.


Hi everyone.
I'm a 22 year old male who has just recently come to terms with how bad my porn addiction has got.
It's putting strain on my relationship, because now I'm not even satisfied with porn stars, I need it to be amateur, I need it to be of girls I can picture myself knowing.  It needs to be girls I know when it's at its most extreme.

My girlfriend of 5 years has recently discovered my problem and it's tearing us apart.  I've been given an ultimatum by myself and her. I need to end this before it goes even further and hurts her or anybody else anymore than it already has.

I'm not planning on going to any support groups yet, but do you have any tips for a guy like me who's trying to go at it alone and cold turkey?
I know deep down that I want to quit and I know I can if I try. My girlfriend means the world to me. Porn means nothing.

Thanks in advance,  and nice to meet you all!


Active Member
Hey there DrOctopi! First of all, realizing that you have a problem is the most important step! Second, I'd say that you are not going at it alone! Your girlfriend will be there for you if you ask her (I hope!).

Now, how much have you and your GF looked up about your addiction? How severe was it? Did you get PIED?
I'm going to link a few threads here for you on the forum and 3 off-site. So in this order is how I'd go:

http://legacy.rebootnation.org/index.php?topic=8.0 - This thread first.
http://legacy.rebootnation.org/index.php?topic=67.0 - Then this.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEqbNJURD6ChROqueUdNuA/videos - These two Youtube videos with Gabe.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU - This excellent Ted Talk by Gary Wilson.

And finally these two pages is where I'd start on YBOP:


If you've read some of these threads/pages or seen the Youtube clips, I'd suggest reading some other people's journals in your age group here:

Maybe you'll find someone has a story very similar to your own? Either way, read a few and then start your own journal and you'll be fully on the no PMO road to recovery :)



In cliff style these are my most important quick tips, in order of importance

- Don't spend unnecessary periods online surfing aimlessly, besides work, give yourself 10 minutes to check your facebook and email
- Don't keep your laptop in your room. Hell, give it to your girl if you live with her even if it's just for a couple months to get momentum
- Very important, FILL THE VOID. Porn was a clutch, time to find a new one. Take up muay thai or something aggressive, expel tension.
- Meditate, even 10 minutes per day, staying mindful will give you an increased ability overcome those autopilot urges
- Install ad blockers to get rid of those "find Russian brides" ads, maybe even delete instagram for awhile to avoid half naked women

For meditation an easy, beginner one you can try without eastern mysticism is "Sam Harris mindfulness meditation 9minutes" on youtube.

Make sure your girlfriend understands this is a true addiction and not something that will be overcome in a day or even a month. Maybe even get her to listen to this; https://soundcloud.com/yourbrainrebalancedshow/your-brain-rebalanced-radioshow-episode-5-rebooting-with-a-partner-w-special-guest-fugus-gf

Time to take your life back brother


Staff member
DrOctopi said:
Hi everyone.
I'm a 22 year old male who has just recently come to terms with how bad my porn addiction has got.
It's putting strain on my relationship, because now I'm not even satisfied with porn stars, I need it to be amateur, I need it to be of girls I can picture myself knowing.  It needs to be girls I know when it's at its most extreme.

My girlfriend of 5 years has recently discovered my problem and it's tearing us apart.  I've been given an ultimatum by myself and her. I need to end this before it goes even further and hurts her or anybody else anymore than it already has.

I'm not planning on going to any support groups yet, but do you have any tips for a guy like me who's trying to go at it alone and cold turkey?
I know deep down that I want to quit and I know I can if I try. My girlfriend means the world to me. Porn means nothing.

Thanks in advance,  and nice to meet you all!

Hey man, you are definitely in the right place. It's great that you have come to terms with this now and not 10 more years down the road. Let's get to work!

I was 21 when I figured out my porn addiction and I have not used porn in over a year in a half. I was severely addicted, and I couldn't even get it up for pornography half the time by the end of it. I'm saying this so you know that it's possible for anyone in any situation to beat this problem!

Best initial tip I have from my experience -- Choose whether you want your reboot to be no orgasm or not. Porn addicts must give up porn to recover from their addiction and their ED, but not necessarily orgasm. There is no "correct" way to reboot in that regard - if you find that you are capable of making physical, emotional and sexual recovery progress while including orgasms in rebooting then go for it! However, I will say that most young people that started early on porn find that their recovery is much slower or even completely stalled when including orgasms, at least initially. If I had to recommend something to help you recover from your addiction and ED the fastest I would say go no-orgasm for a good deal of time while rewiring without orgasm with your girlfriend. Just really get to know her again without sex - kiss, cuddle, touch...but don't orgasm! I believe you'll find this tremendously beneficial for your addiction and ED and also your perspective and view of women.

Other than that, find something to do with your time. Working out 4-5 times a week is an amazing help. You'll feel more confident and it will help you cope with the withdrawals you may encounter. Meditating is fantastic, too.


Thanks for everyone's kind responses.

I'm looking forward to this experience even though I know it will be difficult. My girlfriend will help me through it because she cares for me.

I'll take everyone's advice on board. Thanks again!


Hi Doc.  This is a cliche but...every journey starts with a first step.  You have identified a problem, which is fantastic.  A lot of guys don't know they have the problem.  You have used the word "addiction", which is a huge first step.  Before you craft a solution I suggest you study your problem, understand what it is.  Although you conceive of your problem as a porn problem, it really is not.  Porn and PMO are just buttons we push to get a dopamine high.  Dopamine is a brain chemical in our brains' reward center.  Best drug in the world.  When we become addicted we are actually addicted to the release of dopamine.  For porn addicts, a dopamine release and consequent high are automatic, see porn, get a dopamine high.  Stimulus and response.  A porn addict can choose to look at porn, but a porn addict has no choice but to get a dopamine high if porn is accessed.

The Gary Wilson vid is an excellent place to start, which is why Gabe posts it on the home page here.  It is about 15 minutes.  I suggest you watch it, and then watch it again.  Here it is:


I will tell you:  don't panic, take a deep breath, and understand that you are going to have to put some work into beating this thing.  It took you years to get to this place.  With some hard work you can be back to normal in a few months.  A lot of guys say 90 days, but it is give or take. 
Also, it is OK to have some humility here.  In fact, it is required.  The biggest problem guys have in giving up porn is, obviously and sadly, they don't want to give up porn.  But if you are porn addict fighting the addiction, there is only one way to beat it, you have to totally delete it from your life style, you cannot access it at all.  This necessity by the way has no moral component, it is strictly about biology.  What you are attempting to do is lower your dopamine soaked brain back to preporn levels.  With younger guys this is even more difficult because many don't really have a brain that was not dopamine soaked--meaning from the moment puberty starting happening they were accessing porn, as opposed to the old fashioned real deal, human contact (sex). 

It helps to have a reason to quit porn and you have two excellent reasons.  First and most important you have love.  You would die for her, no?  Yes, I know you would.  So let me put this in terms of sacrifice.  Giving up dopamine addiction is going to feel like dying.  You ARE going to suffer.  No way around it.  You will experience withdrawals, physical, mental, and emotional pain, that on some level will feel like dying.  How long are you willing to experience that for love?  I already know because I am in love too; you are willing to experience it forever if that is what it takes to save your love.  You need to consciously prepare for the withdrawal period, which can last weeks to months, during which you will feel like hell.  Once once past it though, it is past.

Your other reason is a great one too, you want to lose the ED.  Once you rewire, you will. 

Tools are helpful.  Don't try it with will power alone.  Install K9 now.  Put obstacles between your problem and yourself.  Not only does a good blocker help prevent you accessing porn (meaning help you not get a dopamine high) they serve as a reminder, a tap on the shoulder, that you are "a guy quitting porn."  Remember, for the next few months, that is how you need to define yourself, "a guy quitting porn."  Also, beware of traps and pitfalls.  Porn is not just porn, it is any hypersexual thoughts you have that brings your dopamine up.  So, try to develop, plan on, some method of distracting yourself from those thoughts when they inevitably arise in your head.  Posting here is also helpful. 

Good luck on your journey.