A recovery 7 years in the making!

Hello everyone,  I am new to this site.  However, I am not new to porn addiction.  I've struggled with as you can guess from the title for 7 years.... I used to belong to the forum on quitpornaddiction.com however, that site seems to have disappeared.  So, let me talk a little about me.  I am 28 years old and I have had this problem since 2007.  I have tried over and over to quit cold turkey to no avail.  I even went to see a therapist for 3 months and had little success. My longest streak of non relapse is 38 days.  However, I usually fail in 4 to 5 days routinely.  I needed another place to put the ideas in my head....  I relapsed today..... I'm pretty over this.... Feel pretty lost and alone, so I thought I'd join a forum.. I hope to receive some support and also give some seeing how I have battled with this nightmare for some time now.  In either case thanks for taking the time to read this post.  Any comments would be appreciated.  Thanks



Active Member
Hey there dude, sounds like you've had a pretty rough time trying to quit porn... that sucks :/

It'll be a year of trying to quit for me in two more months or so, albeit I went in to complete denial for several months so I can understand the struggle you've faced to some extent. I think the best way to really give this a go is to start a journal here in your age group and really pour your heart out in it. It really helps to acknowledge to yourself what you've been doing and writing it down is a really good tool for it.

Then perhaps ask for an accountabillybuddy as well, read other people's journals and see if you recognize yourself in their story and send them a PM asking if they're interested in being your accountability partner. I think it probably works best if you feel like you've gone through the same thing and can understand each other.

Install k9 web protection if you haven't already, is it porn you relapse to or is it just masturbation? Finally, I'd say perhaps talking to a therapist might be helpful since you've struggled with this for so long. Otherwise, have you told any friends? Do you have a partner and if so does he or she know?


What has helped me overcome porn addiction thought I still get urges when I am bored or alone is taking some control even if it's small stuff.

Since my last reset (July 7th) I got very frustrated that I couldn't stop, the day before my best friend caught me trying to do it, but it wasn't enough to stop me the next day. So I decided to join the forum, get K-9 software, start therapy for this and all my other life issues.

What keeps me going is looking back at my journal, and being aware of where I have gone with PMO. For me I saw that at the time I started porn, I went from seeking out friends to wanting to be alone, from going out to staying and playing video games and online poker and PMO.

My grades dropped, I skipped more classes to the point of almost being kicked out of school. So I think it would be good to share when and why you think you started and try to notice any changes.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I'd also recommend reading www.yourbrainonporn.com if you havn't already.  It's a wealth of knowledge, tips and accounts of users and former users of porn.

If you're stuck in a loop, perhaps a change is needed.  Starting a journal is a great idea.  When you relapse, you can write down the causes of your relapse, and everything that led to the conditions of it.  Maybe when you identify your triggers you'll have better luck avoiding them and cutting them out of your life.
It's been a pretty good day today.  Urges don't usually hit me so early in my attempts to quit.  I usually start to struggle around day 5.  I'm not sure if this is the right place for me to post a journal but, I'm going to continue to post on this thread as my journal until some one tells me this isn't right.  Thanks for the feed  back on my post.  I have struggled for a while with PMOs.  However, this time I am resolute!  I have been through the process so many times I know what my triggers are.  Now I just need to have the determination and will power to conquer them.!  Day 1 down with many more to go!  I can do this!



Active Member
You're 28 years old so you've posted your journal in the correct age-group :) Keep up the good work!