Porn - the bain of my life


New Member
Hi everyone. Finally got to the point where I have to get porn out of my head.

Started as a teen discovering my fathers porn magazine stash, but access to free on-line porn takes it to a whole new level. You kid yourself that it's ok, knowing all too well that it's just wrong on so many levels. It's ruined relationships, and I've been alone for quite a few years - it's time to get my life back. Got plenty of interests to get stuck into, where porn used to fill the time. But I'm not kidding myself - like any addiction, it will be very hard to break. But my goal is to find a long term partner again some day, and that won't happen the way things are. Good luck to all out there  :)


Active Member
difficult yes
beatable yes

you successful - absolutely!

hang in there, find your strength, embrace it.

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