Trying to find motivation

Hi all .I have been aware of my porn addiction for 1 year now.Tried to reboot countless times.Motivation is harder to find everytime i relapse.I had a 32 day streak before and many more -30 days.I have a pretty healthy lifestyle.I self helped myself actually.I was a mess 1.5 years ago.I wasn't going to school ,i was at home all the time ,heavy drinking at least 2 times a week,not going to work etc.
Now my grades are much better, Im much more social,focused,not drinking anymore,im much better at my sport.
But I couldn't get rid off the porn in my life.
I need to find a girl to love. Thats what i think is absent in my life.I never had problems with girls but always found some reasons not to date.Maybe thats because of porn.I have no problems with attraction.The problem is now that I now I have pied I dont even try to date with a girl.I act uninterested .I used to do this in my childhood but I was shy before.I still have some shyness left but not a problem .That goes away after first conversation.
Ok I found that the most important thing that motivates me is public support so every input is appreciated.Thanks.I dont think I will count days this time.I will search for a girl.


Active Member
Hey dude, I've been aware of my addiction for about a year now as well... I even went into denial about it for several months so I know that the process can feel extremely difficult, especially after a relapse.

Just wanted to say a thing about not counting the days, I'm in the same boat as you. I want to find a girl too but I've got PIED as well as being a bit overweight so my confidence is absolutely rock bottom... but that's part of the process! I'm going to hit those 90 days of PMO free to know that my PIED is being mended. That if I do meet a girl (and after my 90 days are completed I'm going to actively try dating again) I might not be fully ready... but I will have confidence that I'm going to be better soon and that Porn no longer controls my life :)

Actually i dont think we should wait for the pied to cure.I will find a girl and will cure this with her.Being alone will only makes things worst imo.Thats just my opinion. Thanks for your input man.


Active Member
fnatk said:
I'm going to hit those 90 days of PMO free to know that my PIED is being mended.

PIED may not be fixed by a mere 90 day reboot though, for some of us who's been doing this for years (About 13-14 years now for me) it will probably take longer. Did you see any of Gabe's videos? He went through a 9 month long journey to recovery so yeah, doing the 90 days doesn't automatically mean your PIED is cured.

Check out Gabe's videos here:
Day 2
No urges so far.Im occupied with work, my workouts are going great.Today may be may 3 week of no alcohol.My motivation is not great but spending time here will motivate me I hope.
Okay guys day 0 again but at least  no binging .I m no newbie so i dont binge anymore I guess, not even a regret.I know this things happen so just will do my best.Thanks